Tag: Russia

  • Antiwar Protestors not Antisemitic Protestors

    Antiwar Protestors not Antisemitic Protestors

    How we name things matter. My husband once had a student named Vodka, her parents's nod to her conception. I don't know what happened to Vodka but that name was a burdensome thing to her during her school years. She became the focus of much[..]
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  • The God of Christian Nationalists

    The God of Christian Nationalists

    I have been listening to the podcast "Teaching Texas" on Apple podcast. It follows the journey of how textbooks are adopted and how the state of Texas has held a critical influential role in what is included and what is excluded in textbooks across America.[..]
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  • Evidence of Our Humanity

    Evidence of Our Humanity

    I remember the first time I realized what an angry people Americans are. I'd pretty much gone about life thinking that Americans overall were generally kind folks who really cared about one another. For the most part, that was the bubble in which I lived.[..]
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  • Dispatch #3: Glasgow

    Dispatch #3: Glasgow

    We took the train into Glasgow last night shortly after finishing our classes for the day. All of our classes are held on Zoom, thank you, Covid. When they run back-to-back, it makes for a very tiring day. It didn't help matters that yesterday was[..]
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  • The Caning of Peckerwood

    The Caning of Peckerwood

    Valentine's is a reminder of the love shared between my parents. It was their anniversary week. There are several tales about how it was the two came to be married on Valentine's week, but I suspect the stories are part myth and part reality. We[..]
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  • America is not Great

    America is not Great

    America is not great. America is not even good. America is a country where children are being gunned down in their schools, in their homes, in their churches. America is not great. America is not even good. America is a country where white men with[..]
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  • About that FBI Dossier

    About that FBI Dossier

    Things to keep in mind: 1. The FBI Dossier on Trump is unverifiable. It wouldn't hold up in court. 2. Unverifiable is not the same as untrue. 3. This is not the same as a Birther movement. That was a conspiracy theory created by Trump[..]
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  • Pitch in $10

    Pitch in $10

    If you have been reading the news out of #ALEPPO and feeling despair over the state of the world and the slaughter of those sweet people, please jump over to Preemptive Love. I'm running a fundraiser to help with the refugee crisis. The goal is[..]
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  • Truth Isn’t Always Self-Evident

    Truth Isn’t Always Self-Evident

    This is an exercise in reasoning. It might be a little hard to grasp at first but bear with me. It may seem improbable, but it is possible for one's pea-picking brain to hold two truths in one's head at one time. For instance, "It[..]
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  • Spying: Who gives a bong?

    Spying: Who gives a bong?

      You might worry, too, if your last name was Zacharias. Did you see the report that the National Security Agency and FBI have breached the privacy of US citizens? Not surprisingly there isn't a Jones, Brown, Greene, or Smith in the bunch. But there[..]
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