Tag: Marines

  • Murder & the DNA Dilemma

    Murder & the DNA Dilemma

    [caption id="attachment_4329" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Dahlia, Cutting garden[/caption] In 2012, Amyjane Brandhagen was found murdered in an Oregon motel room. She had been brutally stabbed to death. Amyjane was no stranger to our family. We had attended church with her family, had participated in Bible Studies[..]
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  • Pat: A Natural Born Mentor

    Pat: A Natural Born Mentor

    [caption id="attachment_2131" align="aligncenter" width="532"] Photo credit: Elizabeth DeRamus[/caption] Ironically enough, some of the most small-minded people I ever worked with worked in newsrooms.  I was reminded of that this weekend as I read numerous newspaper articles about the death of Pat Conroy. My heart was[..]
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  • Our Righteous Wars

    Our Righteous Wars

      Maybe you've seen the video going viral of the Marines singing the worship song Days of Elijah? It's been going around my Facebook page with the headline Holy Spirit takes over Oorah-style.  The script that follows speaks to America's "innate reliance upon God." For[..]
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