Pitch in $10
If you have been reading the news out of #ALEPPO and feeling despair over the state of the world and the slaughter of those sweet people, please jump over to Preemptive Love. I’m running a fundraiser to help with the refugee crisis. The goal is a $1,000. All I am asking is that you donate $10. The price of two Starbucks. Thank you, friends, for your caring hearts.
I don’t know how to navigate this life where Americans are bitter foes with each other but the madman at the helm of the Kremlin is our friend. As I watch the slaughter at Aleppo I feel despair for our world. We can’t preach a Gospel message of No Room at the Inn and then be the people who turn away refugees who want what we cherish – freedoms. Please join me in this effort to overcome evil with good. If my stories have ever encouraged you or made you think, please give $10. If you’ve ever laughed out loud or shed a tear after reading something from my heart, give $10. If you ever wanted to slap me upside the head after reading something I’ve written, please give $10. If you ever wanted to meet me for coffee to talk about something I’ve written, please give $10. We failed our friends in Aleppo. Let’s do something good while we have the chance. Merry Christmas. May we always be a welcoming people.
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