Karly’s Killer Dead
Shawn Wesley Field is dead.
He passed away at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute in Pendleton, Oregon.
Shawn did not die an easy death, but it was a much easier death than the one he inflicted upon three-year-old Karly Sheehan, of Corvallis, Oregon.
The jury ruled Shawn had tortured Karly prior to her death.
We will never know why Shawn Field killed Karly. He had a daughter of his own. C. Field may have been the only person Shawn ever loved more than himself. She paid him a visit in prison this week, to celebrate his birthday. His parents, Hugh and Ann Field, haven’t visited their son in years.
Shawn had cancer. He also had AIDS, had it before he was in prison. Shawn Field was bi-sexual. I suspect he was a gay man, posing. Shawn came from a fundamentalist, legalistic home where being gay would have likely got him cut off financially from his inheritance and the lifestyle he so enjoyed.
At his core, Shawn Field was lazy. He wanted the good life, but never wanted to work for it. He would do anything to keep his gay relationships a secret, do anything to keep his parents funding his lifestyle, including kill for it.
I tried numerous times to interview Shawn Field. He always refused.
He insisted that he did not kill Karly Sheehan. He had no idea who did, even though he was the only person with Karly that day, other than Sarah.
Shawn Field went to his death claiming he had been the person wronged. He lived his whole life like that – with a sense of entitlement and a sense of everyone doing him wrong. I have letters from people who have known Shawn since he was a young boy and they all say pretty much the same thing – Shawn was mean. He was especially disrespectful to his mother. He thought he was better than everyone else. He maintained an air of arrogance all of his adult life.
Old girlfriends tell of the nightmares they still endure because of Shawn. I don’t think Shawn’s death will relieve the nightmares those women suffer.
Shawn’s death will not likely make life better for his daughter. C.Field has been the other true victim of Shawn’s. Everyone says C. Field is beautiful and bright young lady now. Her momma put her in therapy after Karly’s death. Anyone in the Benton County Courthouse who heard that then-elementary-school girl testify knows that C. Field felt guilt over Karly’s death.
Karly had been like a little sister to C. Field. She loved Karly. How does a therapist explain to a child that they are not responsible for the murder of another child? How does C. Field find the grace to forgive herself from something she needs no forgiveness from? She didn’t kill Karly. She was a little girl. She couldn’t have stopped Karly’s death if she had stormed into the living room with a baseball bat and beat her dad that night. Such an action would have likely only resulted in C. Field putting her own life at risk.
Her father was a sick man. Perhaps his sickness was the result of having to hide his true self. Maybe Shawn Field was gay and simply couldn’t risk being cut off from the family inheritance by coming out. Maybe he couldn’t come out because he was afraid of his own father’s wrath. Maybe he couldn’t come out because he couldn’t face his own truth.
Maybe his sexuality had nothing to do with why he tortured Karly Sheehan. Maybe Shawn Field had just given himself over to evil. Maybe Shawn Field liked the power evilness afforded him.
We will never know because Shawn Field, unlike Ted Bundy, never could own up to the truth of who he was and what he did.
His death will not restore all that Shawn Field took from David Sheehan and from the entire Sheehan clan, though, perhaps, they will find some measure of grace in knowing that the man who did those terrible things to Karly is now himself going to have to answer to a much higher court than the one he faced here on earth.
Shawn Field died a grim death, but his suffering, for all we know, may have just begun.
I can’t bring myself to ask God to have mercy on his soul.
I want God to bring justice for the torture and murder of Karly Sheehan.
You might want that, too, if you had seen the photos of Karly post-mortem as I did.
Justice is one of those characteristics of God that we like least. It makes him seem unloving, unforgiving. As if mercy and justice were somehow polar opposites of each other.
But they are not.
Only a just God can grant mercy. It wouldn’t be mercy, otherwise.
Think of the men and women you know who treat others justly. Are they not usually some of the most merciful and loving people, you know?
When people are dealt with justly, there is no cause to seek revenge.
Shawn Field is dead.
His death brings me no sense of joy, no sense of relief, no sense of satisfaction. The feeling that I have most when I think of Shawn Field is one of overwhelming darkness. Evil embodied.
I wish there had never been a reason to know his name.
Karen Spears Zacharias is author of Karly Sheehan: True Crime Story Behind Karly’s Law.
The day of Karly’s murder
Liz Doyle
about 10 years agoLove you Karen. May God grant you His peace today. Crying for Karly is good. Evil exists. We know it. May we always seek righteousness for the unprotected.
about 10 years agoAmen.
about 7 years agoI Just saw on ID what this guy did. I can only cry for this little girl. I don't understand how anybody could Hurt a little child. Hope he will be brought to justice and experience the same pain that he has caused. Hope you are with Angels Karly. Save in the arms of JESUS.
Renee Zoschak
about 5 years agoI literally balled my eyes out . I’m mind boggled how the mother just didn’t seen the signs. That poor baby those should of been her protectors. Hugging my baby a little. Closer tonight. God bless Karly that beautiful girl is now a beautiful angel
cyndi hall
about 5 years agoShe seen the signs. She is just as guilty as him. Drinking and partying were more important that that baby.
about 5 years agoShe was in on it. She told everybody that David was doing these things to Karly. That P.O.S. was having her take pictures of the abuse. She did not believe it was her ex, she had to know that it was Shawn and she didn't care. She should have been charged and should be in prison now. The prosecutor felt sorry for her because she was crying hysterically and was punished enough . B.S. Was she not known for her hysteronics? It was an act for sympathy and it worked. SHE KNEW that he was abusing her child. What a sick woman and he was just a plain monster. So many people dropped the ball. I feel so very bad for David. I wish he wasn't so afraid of being deported. My question is.... could she still be charged?
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 5 years agoNo she can't still be charged. Prosecutors said it was more important to have her testify against Shawn. They cannot go back now and charge her. And yes, she was complicit in her daughter's murder.
about 4 years agoThe mother should have definitely went away even to a psychiatric hospital! She looked high on the TV show it was "DISGRACEFUL" that poor little baby! I would have killed that boyfriend myself!!
Ernest Murphy
about 3 years agoI worked with Karly's father he loved his daughter so much she was his computer screen saver and he would just sit there and watch her for long periods of time before she was killed. What a devastating life changing event. David did all he could legally do to get custody and to shine light on the abuse Karly was experiencing. The judge would not budge on the case.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 3 years agoThank you Ernest. Yes, David is a terrific man, who loved his Karly dearly. He trusted officials to do right by Karly. They failed her and him miserably. I appreciate you speaking out.
about 10 years agoWhere exactly did you get the information about him having aids? And did you just make assumptions about a "secret gay life" based on it?
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 10 years agoThe secret gay life is well-documented in police reports. His attorney actually referred me to the documents. Have you read Karly's story? If you did, then you should be able to reference that.
about 6 years agoI didnt readthe book. But,watched it on ID and saw pictures of her. What made me sick was how the mom saw what was going on and she left him alone with her and how she acted like the victim. She should of gotten charged with something. Me,me,me. Why didnt she call the daddy and have him watch her or take a weekend off knowing how abusive he was. She is just as much as a piece of shit as him. Sorry but because of her negligence that poor lil girl is dead.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 6 years agoFor a better understanding, you should read the book. The ID show was far from an accurate portrayal.
Virginia Epperson
about 5 years agoI can't understand for the life of me why did her mother didn't go to prison? She is just as guilty as Shawn was she seen all of the changes in her daughter and how she had bruises sores in her head. Come on you can't tell me she didn't know! She didn't pay attention to karly why couldn't she just let her dad David have her. I'm just heart broken about all of this!
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 5 years agoShe didn't want David to have her. Karly was her bartering chip. Her meal ticket. She was collecting money from David and had power over him as long as she had shared custody. Happens in divorce cases all over this country.
Heart Broken
about 6 years agoI have said this since day one. Thank you for having the courage to voice it!
about 5 years agoI agree 100%. I could NEVER turn my back on my babies that way. I was abused for years, that’s not an excuse. I love them more than anything and I feel she wanted a baby sitter... she should’ve given that baby to her dad. She failed her.
about 5 years agoI’m having a hard time with the fact that Karlys mother did not protect her. She should have had some jail time for allowing this to happen. It is her fault that precious baby was murdered. Watching her being interviewed, she never took any accountability at all. She was also high on something.
about 4 years agoYES my thoughts exactly!!
about 5 years agoCouldn't agree more!!
about 4 years agoI totally agree with you. Last night in Holland I was watching ID with Maria Elena Salinas. This horryfying story about Karly Made me so sad and angry at the same time I only wanted to cry. Yes, I believe there are most evil persons on this earth . And the terrible thing is, they look like you and me. I have learned never thrust anyone for a 100%. My opinion is the Mother is also guilty, she acted in such a strange way to Maria. You could see, Maria didn’t like her at all.
lisa phillips
about 10 years agoHis computer had gay porn on it....
Cassandra Benefield
about 9 years agoMs. Zacharias- I just read Silence of the Mockingbirds. It was very impactful. Thank you for your courage to write it. One thing that struck me as I read it and as I reflect on it now is how his parents are dealing with this ... I think their tale is just as tragic. Don't get me wrong the tragedy is Karly's and her father's truly. But I can't help thinking that there is a story in the Fields family too. So sad. Sin is so destructive. You did a great job in your memoir. Just enough detail to not be sensationalistic. Thank you. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 9 years agoMs. Benefield: Thank you for reading Karly Sheehan's story (Kindle title). I understand your sentiment regarding Shawn's parents. They have been dealt an awful blow. And, now, Shawn's daughter is their only legacy for the future. I can't imagine how difficult their lives must be, watching two sons die in ways they never anticipated. I do know from a friend who stays in touch with them that their faith has been their comfort. There isn't anyway, however, that as a parent you wouldn't question your every decision, wouldn't find something to blame yourself for. I wish them only peace. We do the best we can as parents, but ultimately sin is a personal choice.
al arsenault
about 7 years agoI have a little blonde haired 4 year old and she is my world i also have three sons but she is the only girl and we protect her i cant watch or read things like this because it consumes me to think of what the loved ones must feel over the loss of this little angel i see my little girl when i see this little girl and the lump in my throat .....i never felt hate as much as i did looking at the pic of the man responsible iam a believer in god and i believe that this man is being roasted in hell and he will scream in agony and if it makes me a bad person i appologise but it puts a little smile on my face to think of him suffering may god look over this little angel and may she be at peace
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 7 years agoThank you for reading Karly's story. I understand how you feel about what happened. It is up to all of us to protect children, boys and girls. We lose more children to child abuse each year than we lose soldiers to war. That's a fact. And we need to do our best to protect our children and the children in our community. And we need to hold mothers criminally responsible.
Becky Bradshaw
about 9 years ago5036 Ziklag Place Karen, just finished the book. My heart is breaking, but I feel everyone needs to be aware of child abuse in this country. Thank you so graciously for writing this story of Karly. I feel in love with her. Hated Shawn for what we all know he did. The mother, Sarah is a pathological liar and probably has a personality disorder. Oh she knew. Esp the last day of Karly's life she saw her and did nothing but clean baseboard. I am glad she's now with Jesus.......Can't imagine David getting on a jet plane to go back to Ireland without Karly.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 9 years agoBecky: Thank you for reading Karly's story. I hope you will encourage others to read it as well. Learning to understand all the failures that led to Karly's murder can help prevent this happening to another child. Thank you for braving the story and for sharing your kind words with me.
about 5 years agoYou're exactly right, this story is appalling. I just can't understand the outright neglect and in action by the mother. She's seriously disturbed.
salma zaman
about 9 years agoI read karlys story and as another reader said fell totally in love with her. I'm just in total shock cannot get her face or her words out of my head. I have a three yr old daughter myself and I keep putting myself in David's position an god bless him cannot imagine how he coped. I am shocked that the mother let it happen but ultimately karly got heaven an the monster will suffer.
about 9 years agoWas he murdered.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 9 years agoNo. He died of diseases.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 9 years agoNo.
about 8 years agoI wish someone murdered this p.o.s !!!! Where is the "mother" Sarah ? How do you live with YOURSELF ?????????
about 8 years agoI read Karly's Story and could not believe that someone who calls himself a man could inflict so much pain upon a child. I have read many true crime books, and this one was one of the most shocking. Shawn was not "sick"; he was evil. I am a CASA volunteer, which makes me the voice of the child who has no voice. I talk to parents, foster parents, teachers, etc., but most of all, I talk to the kids. I make reports and attend court hearings to give recommendations to the judge. One of the kids in my care right now is three years old, and I can't imaging anyone doing to her what was done to Karly. Yes, many people failed to make the right connections, but the blame lies with Shawn. He is the one who failed little Karly. I'm glad he is gone.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoJim: thank you for reading Karly's story and thank you for being a CASA volunteer. My husband is also a CASA volunteer so I understand what CASA does and the commitment required. Karly's story continues to help educate people to the blind spots that allow such abuses to continue. We all must be diligent in our efforts to protect children. And we must work in a legislative way to not just issue mandates but to fund them. We will never understand why Shawn did what he did, but that's probably a good thing. To understand evil is to become a party to it.
Sandy allen
about 8 years agoI didn't know Shaun died until now. He got off easy. Thank you so much for the awareness you've provided to child abuse. I think it's our most egregious sin. I lost a son to cancer, and cannot imagine losing a child to abuse. I know we're told to forgive, but . . . I hope Shaun didn't expose others to AIDS, but there's no reason to believe he would have been that thoughtful. Shaun is already forgotten--only the pain he inflicted on others will be remembered. Karly will live in our hearts forever and ever!
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoSandy: Thank you for writing.I am so sorry about the loss of your son. The death of any child is too much for any loving parent to deal with. Prayers for you especially during this season. Thank you for sharing Karly's story with others. She continues to be a guiding light in our lives.
Gail Merrill
about 8 years agoKaren: I just finished reading your book about Karly. I so wished David got more help to protect his daughter. Perhaps pursued sole custody? Karly's mother sounds so cruel. And she didn't stop. Sooooo sad for Karly! Gail
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoThank you Gail for reading Karly's story. And yes, there are so many, me included, who wished that things had been done differently. It is easy in hindsight to see where the mistakes were made, but when these investigations and relationships are ongoing it is so easy to persuade one's self to take the path that leads to destruction. If only Sarah hadn't been such a willing participant, if only she had kept Karly from Shawn as she told the courts she was doing. So many wrong turns. So much at stake. So much loss to the world without Karly in it.
Gail Merrill
about 8 years agoI have to say, I was shocked to learn that the man that killed Karly is dead. He can never again be cruel to anyone else.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoYes. He died a painful death himself but not nearly as painful as the one he inflicted upon Karly.
Karen Lisa Dagnan
about 8 years agoI just hope Sarah never, ever has children. She most definitely has a personality disorder and should not reproduce! She is the type of person who leaves hurt and destruction where ever she goes........ I really enjoyed your well written and heartbreaking story. I love the books written by Ann Rule but she was never "related" to any of the perpetrators! Heartfelt!!
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoThank you. I appreciate you reading it. I have other books out. I hope you'll consider reading them.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoTo my knowledge Sarah has had no more children. I agree. I hope she never does.
Theresa Hron
about 8 years agoI so agree! There clearly is something very wrong with Sarah! She needs to be put in prison!
about 8 years agoBook's effectiveness greatly diminished by illogical insistence on a loving God. Why limit yourself this way. You have potential to be a really fine crime writer. The god stuff is weird and hard to read around to get a true story.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoThank you, Anna. I understand what you are saying. It's complicated. Just like on the political forefront right now, there can be no denying the part that religion played in this story.
Sarah McInnes
about 7 years agoI completely agree. Your religious choices should stay out of it. You managed to keep to the facts and away from sensationalism; your own personal relationships with some of the key players did not cloud your objectivity. I can't though understand all the God talk. Even in this thread, with everyone going on about going to hell and sins etc...…..
Gail Dailey
about 8 years agoI just finished reading your book and have a question for you: Didn't Sarah present herself as a child abuse advocate and went public with "her story", to further add insult to Karly's death as Sarah sought attention, not for Karly's horrible circumstances but to gain sympathy from the public as the infamous "victim" of Shawn Fields, thereby making once again it "all about her" ?
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoYes, Gail. She started a "non-profit" Karly's Angels, solicited money in her daughter's name, won awards for her so-called "work" on behalf of abused children. Whatever became of all those funds only Sarah knows.
Yvette Cruz
about 8 years agoI am watching the Real story with Maria Salinas about this tragic death of an angel. As a mother if I were to see any of my children with a bruise I will make it my business to find out what happen. The mother was so under this mans control that she also contributed. It's sad. Why leave him alone with her if she knew he was emotional distraught. He was a monster. Rest In Peace Karly.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoYvette: How much control Shawn really had over Sarah is a question we look at in KARLY SHEEHAN (Amazon). Sarah had a lot more independence than she would like folks to believe.
Ernest Murphy
about 3 years agoI worked with Karly's father, and after each visitation he would see more abuse on her daughter, dhe could hardly be touched, but before she was very touchy with her dad, David had an impossible task of staying focused on the job for those instances, i suggested he shoot the guy, David said the court thinks he was abusing his daughter, he would go to prison and no one would understand he was not the abuser. Sarah is the devil. David could not be consoled. So terribly said how the court system contributes to the destruction of lives and the child advocates who by default trust the mother, how do they live with them selves?
about 8 years agoI wonder if he infected Sara w HIV as well. Not saying it would be karma but....
about 8 years agoI watched Karly's story tonight and am beside myself at Karly's mother. Is she on drugs? Her speech was soo slurred, and she was heartless. It was all about HER, nade me sick. I'm sorry for being so negative but this tore me up inside for Karly and her dad. Thank you for exposing Sarah!!
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoTerri: I only caught a few moments of the show but yes, it did appear that Sarah was under the influence of something pharmaceutical in nature. If you read KARLY SHEEHAN (Amazon) then you are aware that she has a history of this.
about 7 years agoI ABSOLUTELY agree!! I'm devastated she wasn't also charged!! What a clueless, reckless woman!! Please tell me she didn't have anymore children!!
about 8 years agoThe mother knew the whole time what was going on. Period! That child should have been removed from her mother's household when David received his daughter Karly with her face completely brused all over.There was no more time left. I do not understand our society. If this were an animal there would have been arrests made. Our children are our most precious gifts of all we must protect all of them on all levels. There not owned there loaned for 18 years hoping parents will do the right loving up bringing . People watch who you know and don't know around your children. If something does not feel right it probably isn't ! Report any and everything even if your not sure! RIP Little One -I love you God is with thee
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoYou raise some valid observations, Maggie. It is difficult for me to fathom, even after writing KARLY SHEEHAN and documenting the abuses to understand how it was Sarah wasn't charged with at the very minimum neglect.
about 8 years agoJust watched the story on the ID channel and came across this blog. Sarah seems off or I'll. Did he infect her with AIDS I wonder? I really hope she gets the help she needs.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoMelissa: I don't know the answers to your questions. I only watched a snippet of the show. I documented the case in KARLY SHEEHAN, which tells you more about Karly's Law and about Sarah's participation or lack thereof.
Anna Marie
about 8 years agoI just watched The Real Story With Maria Elena Salinas on the story of Karly and now will be looking to read the book. I'm enraged at so many things. How sad that such a sweet little baby was let down so tragically at such a young age. Her mother bears some responsibility in her death, I don't care how stupid or brain-washed she claims to be. That's a lame excuse for someone that just doesn't want to go to jail. She turned her head and pretended not to see her daughter's abuse...and for what? To keep a homosexual man who was a sorry excuse for a human being. Shawn Field struck the blows to Karly's little body, but I blame her mother for her death. I cannot fathom how a mother leaves her baby alone with a monster that she knows is torturing her so badly. Sarah Sheehan should be arrested.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoReading KARLY SHEEHAN will undoubtedly make you ask even more questions and more of a skeptic about why mothers aren't held more accountable for putting their children in harm's way.
about 7 years agoOMG! You're totally right!!! ... that woman doesn't deserve to be called "mother" For me, she should be in prison for being accomplice in Karly's death! I can't believe she didn't realize what was happening before her! She try so hard to look as a victim but she wasn't! She was just another furniture in the house!
about 7 years agoI agree with you so much. She is the first one to blame. She shouldn’t even get the chance to have a daughter. Poor little girl.
Annemarie van Helfteren
about 7 years agoAwful mother. Stupid, she just let it happen. Her fault, and dad's fault. they just let the abuse continue. I think the mum, is just still sticking to her story "of not knowing. And the mum plays like she is the victem, not standing up for her daughter at all. I am glad the killer is dead. Good ridance
Melissa Bohon
about 8 years agoI'm just literally feeling sick, first off the mother that's being interviewed on ID is acting like she's on drugs;! second of all the pictures of this baby definitely literally shows being abused (oh in her mother's care) because she did leave her baby with that monster!
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoMelissa: Yes, while working on KARLY SHEEHAN I, too, was stunned to see those photos and to understand how DHS could rule that Karly wasn't being abused.
about 6 years agoKaren, I just read your book. Why didn’t David go to court to get full custody? Why did he return karly to her mom even though she was hysterical saying she didn’t want to go? Why didn’t any of the parents or grandparents believe or listen to her? Why didn’t the day care person report the mother or go to the police? How could any of them look at her & not see she was being abused?
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 6 years agoBecky: Keep in mind you are looking at this through a whole picture. When you are the midst of things, you can only see the part you see. They all have their regrets. Remember Sarah was lying to them, over and over again. Her parents were concerned. David trusted the legal system to do right by Karly. Everyone has their regrets. Thank you for reading the story. Please help spread the word. The more people who know what to look out for, the more kids will be saved.
Kitty watson
about 8 years agoI am also completely perplexed by Karly's Mother...however she is clearly reaping the whirlwind she sewed. I do wonder how the mind set that promotes aborting our babies has impacted our culture. If we feel free to "not care" for them when they are truly silent, then maybe we are damaging something intrinsically important in women? I'm not sure...but I think we ought to look at it.
Kitty watson
about 8 years agoAs for Fields goes, I have been trying for 71 years to comprehend this sort of horror! I have concluded that there is evil, and there is no explaining evil!
Jean Whitfield
about 8 years agoWhy am I so angry at this mother. 2 plus 2 is 4, not I don't know what happened to her. She couldn't see the bruises on this child after leaving her in his care????? I believe she should be behind bars too. This story angered me to no end. I'm more angry at her than him. I want to kill her ......really!
Anne Wood
about 8 years agoI watched the special tonight as well and it made me nauseated. I def want to read your book. I used to live near Corvalis. This mother acted drunk or on drugs during the special. I have lost a son and I would not wish it on my worse enemy. But this mother had to have KNOWN and did NOTHING to protect Karly. She could have asked the dad to keep her until she found a way to get away from the control freak. She should have been charged as wel for endangerment or neglect. I was wondering like that other writer if she got HIV from that sicko. So sad. Rest in peace, sweet angel.
about 8 years agoThe mother is crazy or in denial about what happened to Karly. It was obvious where her bruises occurred, only when with Shawn Fields. His mother left her knowing what was happening and who the guilty party was. Could Karly not voice who was abusing her? Sarah Sheehan still is unable to take responsibility for her part in this. Why did she not just leave her daughter with the father? She is in denial re: her role. She cannot pretend she was unaware. She should be charged with reckless endangerment. Poor Karly and poor Mr Sheehan. Prayers for you.
about 8 years agoI just saw this story too. I usually do not leave comments but something inside me has been touched by the spirt of this little angel. There is NO DOUBT after seeing Sarahs interview that she did not know her child was being abused, she knew ACTUALLY what was going on, maybe she didn't think he would kill her child but she absolutely knew he was harming her. I think our justice system missed the mark and Sarah should have been charged with child endangerment at the very least, she brought that monster into her childs life. By the end of the show the sight of Sarah was sickening and I truly believe she will be held accountable by a higher court. As for David my heart breaks for his unimaginable loss. I pray that he finds strength in his memories of his beloved daughter. There are no words or thoughts for her killer, I feel the world is safer without him in it and he inflicted his own pain on this innocent child,, he was an evil evil soul! How can we as a society see these stories and not want to do something to stop this kind of abuse-I didn't know this child or her family but I feel the need to do something positive in her honor..........
about 8 years agoI am thoroughly disgusted with what happened to this beautiful baby. I feel many are to blame but the actions of the mother, Sarah Sheehan are the most upsetting and her demeanor during her interview on ID was shocking. So much so that I had to find out more about this story and this so called " mother". Apparently she is re married to a man I can only assume is as sick in the head as she is. I can only hope and pray they never procreate I really do believe that this woman should have been held accountable for her daughters death as well. I do not believe that she was as clueless to what was going on as she says and that she has been able to forgive herself is scary. This story breaks my heart.
about 8 years agoLike all of you just finished watching the dicunentary on beautiful Karly's fate. I am so disgusted, sad, engry and shocked on what that poor litle girl went through. Sarah, should face charges, she clearly neglected her 3 THREE years old daughter. I hope she is no cashing out fron her daughter's murder.
about 8 years agoThat mother should be in prison! Karly's death is on her hands! As for the father, as my heart breaks for Karly it doesn't necessarily break for him. He KNEW that when his daughter went over there something wasn't right. She came home battered, bruised and broken EVERYTIME she went with her "mom", yet off to mom's he sends her. I'm sorry but her death is on his hands too. He's not as liable as the other two monsters but he's partly to blame. Since he loved her the most, this is the life sentence he will endure. For the rest of his days this will haunt him. Watching The Real Story on ID, a lot of things just didn't add up with these parents. If you suspect someone of abusing your child YOU DON'T SEND THEM BACK INTO THE LION'S DEN!
about 8 years agoTrue it was so obvious that this child was being abused,
about 8 years agoSo true.
Joey's mom
about 8 years agoI too watched this show on ID last night. Sad, sad, sad. There are not words to describe my feelings for little Karly. The mom was a train wreck. Was this her normal persona or was she way overmedicated for this interview? And of course like others I feel bad for the dad. But...... ultimately parents are responsible for what happens to their children. We only had one child, and he pretty much went everywhere with my husband and I. On those rare occasions that we left him with a "sitter", we went over his body with a fine tooth comb after we got home. Usually at bath time to check for any bruises or marks. Our son was fortunate and was never abused, but as parents we were vigilant that he was not. We have to protect our children, they're not just short adults, they are innocent children who are to be protected by not only the parents, but by all. It does take a village to raise a child. Speak out if you suspect a child is being abused.
Joey's mom
about 8 years agoOh and one last comment, was her job that important that she had to leave her daughter with a monster? No matter what job I had, I would have taken a leave or quit the job before I would have left my child with this monster. I would have figured out proper day care, then gone back to work. I would rather live in the street knowing I was protecting my child than leave her in this situation.
about 8 years agoI also watched The Real Story with Maria Elena Salinas last night. I have seen the name and photos of precious Karly Sheehan but didn't know they story behind it. It's horrendous & I woke up with it weighing on me today. Sarah Sheehan made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't stand the way she talked. Does she have brain damage, or is she on drugs? What a self- centered monster. It's all about Sarah & how SHE was abused by her evil "boyfriend". She knew, but didn't care until Karly died. Because she could be held responsible too. She should have been. I don't understand this horrible story & all the people who let her be abused & die. It wasn't hidden. Her abuse was there on her little body for all to see. Karma got Shawn, but the suffering wasn't enough to me. He should have been executed by a combination of bad drugs that would make him convulse & suffer before he finally died.
Jean Whitfield
about 8 years agoThis is what should have happened to them both. This is Judge Shannon Holmes........https://www.facebook.com/militaryk9/videos/1307108879357812/
Theresa Hron
about 8 years agoI just saw this case on the Maria Elena Investigative ID channel last night. I cannot believe Sarah Sheehan wasn't put in jail for putting that poor little girl in harm's way. When Sarah was being interviewed she appeared extremely sedated and had this strange smile on her face like she was in complete denial! She HAD to know that beast of a boyfriend was NO GOOD! And why did she even agree or want to take poor little Karly that weekend when she had to work anyway???! I think they said it would have been the last weekend Sarah would be able to have Karly before David was to gain full custody of her. She knew that beast was controlling and acted naive to his behavior? I don't buy that for one minute. She in my opinion is as much to blame as the that beast. Shame on Sarah!
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoIf you read KARLY SHEEHAN (Amazon) then you are aware of the many ways in which Sarah aided and abetted Shawn in the torture of Karly.
about 5 years agoWhen you have the words/title KARLY SHEEHAN (AMAZON), is that the same book as Silence of a mockingbird (which i am in the midst of reading right now) or is this something different? I am as baffled as everyone else on this feed and enraged, there was a fairly recent story up in Washington where I am south of Olympia where a woman who had had 3 men live in her home with her and her two girls, the last one she moved him in when they started dating and he ended up assaulting and beating her 2 year old to death. She I believe had some kind of developmental delay of some sort, but I just dont get these young women and their desperation to "have a man". I was a young mom the first time and single, and I just dont get the men these "girls" bring into their homes and their kids' lives. tragic and very sad.
Tynna O'Neill
about 5 years agoWhen you have the words/title KARLY SHEEHAN (AMAZON), is that the same book as Silence of a mockingbird (which i am in the midst of reading right now) or is this something different? I am as baffled as everyone else on this feed and enraged, there was a fairly recent story up in Washington where I am south of Olympia where a woman who had had 3 men live in her home with her and her two girls, the last one she moved him in when they started dating and he ended up assaulting and beating her 2 year old to death. She I believe had some kind of developmental delay of some sort, but I just dont get these young women and their desperation to "have a man". I was a young mom the first time and single, and I just dont get the men these "girls" bring into their homes and their kids' lives. tragic and very sad.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 5 years agoYes, it is the same book. Publishers changed. There are a few more additions to the Karly Sheehan version but most all the same. Thank you for reading it. I am so saddened to hear of the case you mention. I had no heard about it. As I say in the book we lose 5 children a day to child abuse, on average. And those are the deaths, not the number actually being abused. Sarah is not now and was not then mentally incapacitated. She is very well-read, intelligent and a thinker. I don't know why she put her daughter in harm's way repeatedly but I do believe we have to start holding mothers criminally accountable. Had Sarah come from a poor family or impoverished life, she would likely have been charged. She got away with it because she is smart, and beautiful. She uses those things to manipulate others.
about 8 years agoI watched the show on ID as well. I was so confused that I had to see if anyone else had anything to say. Sarah's 100% guilty of vocal fry. She is the definition! It was so weird & so obnoxious once I realized it. I think this is why everyone thinks she's drugged. & of course she knew he was beating that poor girl! It was convenient 4 her to have Shawn watch Karly & she could do as she pleased. Selfishness & immaturity caused this. For her to basically bring it all back 2 her excuse & being emotionally abused was so narcissistic. He may have been a manipulative asshole but she was not controlled by him. She is responsible 4 her own choices & she doesn't want 2 accept that. She wants the sympathy & attention obviously. You would seriously have 2 be incompetent 2 not know something was wrong & needed 2 be dealt with. I get why the dad didn't know what to do. He was stuck. It would have been turned around & blamed on him if there was no proof otherwise. I am just so astonished that anyone would believe the bullsh*t!
about 8 years agoThe mother knew it was going on and for whatever reason chose to stay with this AIDS infected monster. She didn't care bc he wasn't abusing her. She more than likely benefited from his money or attention. She didn't care what he did to her daughter and that makes her as much a monster as him if not more of one. She probably has HIV now and is getting her punishment from a higher power. This was 100% the mothers fault.
about 8 years agoI came across this story as many of you did by watching Maria Salinas on ID when it first aired on May 15th. To say the least I have been overwhelmed with sadness and anger. I can't get this beautiful little angel out of my head. I have a three year old and I keep imagining her going through that pain and torture, and it makes me break down into tears. I as many of you feel enraged that this was allowed by everyone around her, especially that poor excuse of a mother. There is no way in my opinion that Sarah didn't know. A child at that tender age doesn't have the brain capacity to lie and keep the abuse a secret. There must've been signs of fear that are uncontrollable. Or a slip up in telling someone what was going on. I as a mother of a toddler know how to communicate with my child, and ask the right questions to get answers. A concerned mother would not stop at any means after seeing their baby with obvious physical injuries. On a different note, I read on a different link that, that bastard' s motive was money. I have to disagree. He was a sick, disgusting, thing that got a kick out of abusing this child. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been trying to hide the bruises in the beginning of the abuse. It was said that he would cause bruising in the back of the head where it wasn't seen by others. If that was truly a motive he wouldn't have tortured her the way he was. It makes me feel glad that there are others as upset as I am, and that although there is so much bad out there in the world. There is also some good people as well that are as distraught, and disgusted by this story.
Vicki Botha
about 7 years agoI’m a South African who saw this programme last night for 1st time... Sarah should have been charged with her boyfriend... Karly was exposed to 3 places,, school, home of dad & home of mom.... she knew her daughter didn’t come back from school or her dad with bruises etc... only 1 other place Karly could have been hurt & that is at Sarah’s House / boyfriend house... Sarah enjoyed partying to much & working in bars etc to worry about Karly. Just wish Karly’s dad had been more forceful in not letting her go to Sarah. Sarah in the interview was either drugged or something is radically wrong with her...
about 3 years agoYes, you are correct, Sarah belongs in jail. But understand, the DA needed her testimony to convict the person directly responsible. The community was shocked, hence the capital murder charge.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 3 years agoThat is debatable. Seems the testimony from Shawn's own daughter would have plenty enough to convict Shawn. Sarah, in fact, blamed David during part of her testimony.
about 3 years agoFair enough. The only time SWF showed any emotion was during his daughter's testimony. He was wracked with distraught. It was tremendously difficult for her. Requiring this innocent child to testify more would have been unnecessarily cruel. I would say what really made the jury understand that SWF was an evil man, was his total lack of emotion during any of the testimony about Karly.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 3 years agoYes, David mentioned that to me. I do think, however, that if Sarah had been an unattractive woman from the trailer park, or a Hispanic immigrant, she would have been treated much differently by the prosecutor. I suspect she would have been charged with some crime.
about 8 years ago
Sara should be arrested. Many mothers have been arrested for neglect cases far less heinous . This makes me sick she got off scott free . What is wrong with the state for not filing charges against her ?
Good mom
about 8 years agoThis is sickening. Sarah should be in jail. What is wrong with the state for not pressing charges ? I have seen many mothers charged with neglect for cases much less heinous . I dont care what anyone says this is partially Sarah's fault. Mothers are supposed to protect their babies and it looks like she turned a blind eye at the very least and at the most she was letting it happen or maybe even participating ? My heart breaks for that little precious girl. The mother needs to be punished !!!
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoIf you read the KARLY SHEEHAN, then you are aware that the story Sarah shares on the ID show is incomplete. There was plenty of evidence that she was complicit.
about 8 years agoI just finished watching the short film on ID and couldn't help but wanting to know more about this case. Every mother has mother instinct, we want to protect our kids and worry about their safety all the time. I sometimes worry that my son will be kidnap or something. This mother is as evil as the real killer if not, more!! She really should be changed with child neglect!!
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoYou can learn more about the case and how you can help stop child abuse by reading KARLY SHEEHAN: True Crime story behind Karly's Law. https://www.amazon.com/Karly-Sheehan-True-Crime-Karlys-ebook/dp/B00KRILKG8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1495080443&sr=8-1&keywords=Karly+Sheehan
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoThanks, Mandy: You can learn more about the case and how you can help stop child abuse by reading KARLY SHEEHAN: True Crime story behind Karly's Law. https://www.amazon.com/Karly-Sheehan-True-Crime-Karlys-ebook/dp/B00KRILKG8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1495080443&sr=8-1&keywords=Karly+Sheehan
about 8 years ago
I am just flabbergasted of all the clowns who saw this child was clearly abused and did nothing! That poor baby . And Sarah if you think America felt sorry for you on ID , your crazy, they wish they would come across you one day! Rest in Peace Angel. ?
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoIt is not true that nobody did nothing. David, the daycare worker, family members, DHS investigators, doctors, etc. were all working to figure out what was going on with Karly. Everyone was worried. However, they were up against a mother who continually lied to cover for Shawn Field. It is easy to see the truth looking back. When you are in the midst of the trauma, it can be difficult to know who to believe or what to believe. Who wants to think a loving mother would ever put their own child at risk for harm? Who would think that a mother would lie to protect a boyfriend and not their child?
Krisztina Nemeth
about 7 years agoI haven read the book yet (I intend to do so)... (My English might not be proper, but hopefully understood.) I understand that it is easy to be smart afterwards, but still there are several things that don't add up to me. If a two-year old says she's being beaten by Dad (children at this age may call their mother's new partner like this or it could also easily be that they call men "Dad" not knowing the proper word yet, or also if the abuser (for some reason) makes his victim to call him Dad) that should be taken 100% serious, especially if there are signs of abuse on her body and in her behaviour. Children at this age will definately not make up stories as such. She even asked for help! She must have been really smart and brave to do so as unfortunately victims especially at this age usually don't ask for help but perhaps even blame themselves for being abused. So, there's a child asking for help and 100% obvious signs of abuse, WHY didn't they check the history of all persons having custody of Carly (the Mother, the Mother's partner, the Father, the Father's possible partner, possible baby sitters, daycare workers...each and every person "supervising " Carly) in the first place?Shawn Field had a history of abuse! So why wasn't the fact of abuse obvious and why checking histories wasn't one of the first steps to take? Another thing that I don't understand... If David understood that Carly was being abused under her mother's supervision (he must have understood, stories of a phd and whatever can't mislead you and by the way an abuser could have a phd, as well), how on Earth could he give Carly to her mother? I would fight (perhaps more "agressively" than him and if nothing else works, I'd rather do something illegal than to give my child to an obviously abusive parent or supervisor. (In my opinion it wasn't only Shawn abusing Carly, but also Sarah, whether she was active or passive/ an observer). Briefly again: Why some didn't believe Carly's (a two-year old's) cry for help? Why other signs weren't 100% obvious? Why checking histories wasn't a most obviously immediate step to do??? (This could've saved Carly's life.) How could David give Carly to her mother? (I see how deeply he loves Carly, and I understand that he kept facing the handicaps of the system, but...)
about 8 years agoThis whole story makes me sick, the mother in this story makes me sick she should have been charged with child neglect, her appearances, she claimed tob nice on I'd shows that she was more worried about gambling n partying she claimed to be a single mother when her husband had her daughter more than she did, she acts as if she's some kind of victim and was such a great mother that she blatantly ignored her boyfriend terribly abusing her daughters she chose a man over her daughter what kind of women/does that to her child she continuously plays the victim during the whole interview taking no responsibility for what happened to her daughter and acts like it was ok for her to pretend to be hard at work when you know she was more than likely out partying which was so important she would leave her daughter again and again with this evil man who was victimizing her daughter horribly and she clearly knew what kind of person he was and was treating her suppossedly badly and dodnt wanna deal with it but wud leave her helpless and defenseless daughter with this man again and again after seeing the things that were happening again and again during his time watching her I believe she was more involved than she lets us believe hope this women never had or has children again hopefully God's not that cruel what mother in their right mind would leave their child after one time of suspecting he was abusing her, she will have to answer to God one day! As far as this sorry pos shawn who I'd what he did to this poor child there's a special place in he'll for him and those like him, I have three daughters by three women and divorced 3 times as I was in the military and deployed 5 times in 10 yrs but I was and always am careful to watch who their mothers brought around my girls but their mothers besides their infidelities are wonderful mothers and would never stand for this they are all remarried and I respect their husbands but I made it clear that I'm their father I will love and support my daughters I don't need them too and I expect them to treat my daughters as if they would their own but if they touch my daughters I will end them in a very unpleasant manner fortunately they never have! I would gladly kill people like Sean for free there shud be a mandatory death sentence in all states for crimes against children and in liberal states that refuse to allow the death penalty they should think about the horrible death this child endured we shud charge them federally and sentence them to death if the state such as Washington won't allow these cowards deserve no reprieve and even lethal injection is too nice for them, we can learn one thing from the middle say they have the death penalty for just about anything and when they do execute someone it takes about two weeks. I'm not saying I promote the horrible things their cultural or religious beliefs and I readily oppose them on oopercent of there excuses for committing atrocities but we shud as a people allow the death penalty for rape murder and crimes against the Leroy disabled and children and we shudnt take care of a prisoner for 5 appeals and 20 years it's a waste of air and tax dollars I'd give them 2 years and one appeal and only because of the rare times when DNA proves someone innocent but it cases where there is clear proof by confession, dna, and there's no doubt of guilt they deserve no quarter put them on an island and let real Americans hunt them like the beasts they are!
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoThere was no evidence at all that Shawn Field ever sexually abused Karly. Or if there was, the police have denied it. I've read the records. That said, moms often cover for boyfriends who are abusing their children. Sarah was no exception. She repeatedly left Karly in Shawn's care with the full on knowledge that he was abusing her.
Geralyn Reese
about 8 years agoI just say the story of Karly's death on ID. I am furious!!! I found myself yelling at my husband, why did her mother do nothing and allow the abuser back into her life. Child abuse is such an inexcusable violence. My one question is why was Sarah Sheehan never charged with negligence or the death of Karly. I am sure she was fully aware of the abuse Karly had to endure.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoThe degree to which Sarah was complicit, to which she covered for Shawn and pointed a finger at David was part of what I detail in KARLY SHEEHAN. The TV show doesn't even begin to show all the ways in which Sarah covered for Shawn. Not an unusual thing to have happen btw. Moms seem to cover a lot for abusive boyfriends. Usually they do it for financial reasons, but Sarah had her own apartment, had a job, had a family and an ex-husband who were all the time helping her out. So whatever her reasons for not protecting Karly and lying for Shawn are reasons only Sarah can explain.
All mothers don't have motherly instincts
about 8 years agoI am not sure if my last post made it or not. My only question is, why was Sarah Sheehan not charged in the death of Karly.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoIt was the prosecutor's decision. He felt he needed her testimony to convict Shawn. I don't think he knew at the time how complicit Sarah was.
Clarenceia Carruthers
about 8 years agoThe real crime is the child's mother using her name for any kind of profit .I don't know what i would do if i seen her in person.She had the Nerve to say you know" as a mother when did she ever demonstrate being a Mother?
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoGood question.
She Should B Charged
about 8 years agoI also watched Real story/Maria Elena Salinas-Unspeakable tragedy & agree that EVERYONE failed this poor beautiful little girl but MOST of all the dirt bag of a mother she was dealt & I'm blown away she was not held responsible! As for the big fail in the beginning I'm guessing poor Karly was made to call the scumbag abuser boyfriend dad which is why when she finally did tell the day care about her abuse they thought she meant her real dad. Sick piece of trash probably made her call him dad every time he hit her..or he beat her when she didn't. Completely shocked that mom tells state workers that Karly HAD all those bruises & even more bald batches BEFORE going to her father's! YES, she confirms this! I felt.. That I knew rite there "AHH HAA they got him now!! Now they can save Karly!" Remove her from this home! But nooo they friggin left her there to die! Those workers should have been fired! My God.. This is a 3 yr olds life & that is what they were trained for! So many at fault here. I hate to even mention it but I'm disbelieving there was no sexual abuse w/a monster of a man like this & w/a system that failed so terribly I feel myself wondering if it would be something they'd rather keep unknown at this point. My opinion about Mom she really didn't have any real motherly feelings, I mean she only had her 2/3rds of the time if that & was going to voluntarily give her full time to Dad. She was all about her self, her wants, her needs & going to the bar job & even hanging out there after work.. No controlled women does that or is even allowed to work in a bar. She said on camera " I could tell Karly didn't want me to leave" the day she was killed...& She came back early to check... She absolutely knew.. Is it past the statue for charges on this? I can't believe no one partitioned for her to be charged when this came out. Or maybe that's why it's on TV now? Ppl obviously care enough to make a show & bring Karly to the world. This was the 1st time I found myself screaming profanities at a mother on TV.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoThe decision to not charge Sarah was made by the prosecutor, who felt he needed her testimony in order to convict Shawn. When he made that decision, I don't think he understood how complicit Sarah was in the murder of her own child - not unusual by the way. In a lot of abuse cases, mothers repeatedly put their own children's protection at risk for their own desires. It should be noted that Shawn Field never abused Sarah physically. And those of us who know (Knew) Sarah question how much of an emotional abuser he was to her. Sarah is very strong-willed. She isn't easily controlled or manipulated by others. It was her inability to be honest with investigators and with doctors that threw the investigation off-track. The point of all that lying, of course.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoThe prosecutor felt he needed her testimony to put Shawn behind bars. He made the decision early on, before he knew the extent of Sarah's involvement, to not charge her with anything. And yes, everyone involved in the case believes they share some responsibility for failing Karly. Keep in mind, however, that the bulk of these people were relying on information that Sarah fed to them, never suspecting that a mother would put their own child's safety at risk by lying for a boyfriend. It happens all the time, however.
Jaime Kobran
about 8 years agoWhy on earth is this sad excuse of a mom not charged as well?! Unless she was and it wasn't mentioned on the show. While watching, I knew right away the boyfriend was behind the beating and torture! The minute they brought him up!! I have no clue on how both parents never questioned it. It was very obvious! If it's not the parents...you check who's next in line! Just the mother not telling that Shawn was still in contact with her daughter alone makes her just as wrong!! Plus, if he was , so called ( just) verbally abusive to the mom...obviously, that was in front of the daughter! So, that ALONE, makes them both wrong..way before anything else!! Talk about red flags!! This poor little angel gone too soon because of all the wrongdoings of others.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoThe decision not to charge Sarah was a decision made be the Benton County prosecutor's office. Scott Heiser explained his reasoning and I recorded it as he explained it. I also detail Sarah's complicit behaviors in the book. Sarah had her own apartment throughout her relationship with Shawn. She made her own monies. She had a loving and supportive family. She had an ex-husband who was more than willing to help out in anyway possible. Law enforcement and investigators relied too heavily on Sarah's interpretation of the facts, rather than pursuing the facts. She misled them repeatedly.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoSarah testified in court that Shawn Field never physically abused her. It is not unusual in abuse cases of children to discover that their moms are complicit. Usually it is for financial reasons. That is not the case for Sarah. She had her own apartment. Her own monies. A job. And a supportive family. Why she covered and lied for Shawn and repeatedly put Karly at risk is something only she can answer.
about 8 years agoI watched the ID show Monday night. Karla has been on my mind all week. I've read your book and re-watched the show. Your book was compelling. I couldn't put it down. I felt so many emotions reading it. Hate is what I felt for Sarah. She is a manipulative, conniving, narcissistic thing. She is no woman. Not even an animal. As animals take care of their children. she has no remorse. She even had the audacity to say on national television that it took her a long time to let go of the guilt. The guilt of knowing her daughter was being tortured while she ran around. How convenient that that POS Shawn made her world so small yet she was always out. Cps dropped the ball. Yet it was her lying that hindered everything. The fact that she blew a guy the night before sweet Karly died and then had sex with Shawn the morning of is disgusting. Knowing how bad her eye was. She's very smart to me. Calculating. She knew to cover her tracks by calling her dad and sister. I call the pediatrician if one of my kids is coughing a way I don't like. I understand David's point of view on treading lightly with Cps. He too was a victim of Sarah. Trusting her word. If he made a wrong move he would be even more helpless to her. Getting deported. Sarah talking about David being a good father is just to cover herself. She knows she has no choice but to admit that truth. It looks good to people as well. I feel horrible for David. For his sweet family. For Hilary. Like Kate, she is a victim too. Or maybe dodged a bullet. Do you know any more of her? Hillary. Kate's mother had the sense to leave the monster. It seemed as though she cared more about Kate than Karly. Or maybe she was just trying to please Shawn. Or maybe I don't know anything at all. Since Sarah does what she wants without reason. There are so many questions I have of her but she makes my blood boil. If it's not an intrusive question. How did Shawn terrorize others/ex- girlfriends? Besides the burglaries. If Shawn had aids did Sarah know? Or is she that careless. I don't wish bad on people but I really do hope Shawn suffered. And that Sarah grows to old age. Her looks long gone. Being constantly reminded of Karly. She failed at the hardest yet most rewarding job god bestows on us. I have been following your work and I thank you for lobbying for the kids that don't have a voice.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoYvette: Thank you for having the heart to read Karly's story, not an easy read, I know. RE: what others have told me about Shawn. I have heard from a multitude of people since the book came out. Ex-girlfriends who've told me of the various ways he threatened them, abused them, who all these years later were still afraid of him. They felt bad that they didn't speak out, didn't say something but who do you go tell without sounding like a vindictive ex? I've also heard from ex-boyfriends of Sarah who tell stories about how she never speaks of Karly. How she lives for the next thrill and how she used them financially. I do know that Sarah's oldest daughter graduated from high school. That she went on a mission for awhile. That she is beautiful and talented and yes, sometimes discombobulated by her birth mother. I am not sure yet if she knows how Karly died or the role her birth mom played in Karly's death. Her adoptive parents didn't want her to know. Perhaps they feel she will find out when she is better prepared to deal with it. Although, honestly, how does one prepare for knowledge such as that? I don't know at what point Shawn contracted AIDS. So I don't know if he had it prior to his incarceration. I have no idea who he may or may not have infected, if anyone. His daughter did see him shortly before he died. By all accounts, Shawn was an attentive father to her. That is what made it so confusing to investigators - Shawn could be a good man to his own daughter. Why did he inflict so much pain on Karly? Was it, as the prosecutor suggests, for money? Or did he derive some sort of pleasure from hurting a child so small? And yes, the photos of the pain he inflicted upon her remain with me to this day. Remain with all of us.
they all failed her
about 8 years agoHi Karen I saw the show and agree that Sarah clearly failed this child and knew what was going on, it is telling that she said Karly did not want to stay and had been hurt the day before yet she allowed Shawn to babysit her because "he was so controlling that he had isolated her from her family and friends and she had no other choice" seriously lady??!!! how about staying home and taking care of that hurt child... she was horrible and there is no place to hide. I feel horrible about her taking money from people and acting like a victim when she was probably complicit of the abuse. Now about David, I really hated how he said that when Sarah brought the child and she looked abuse he was afraid he would get blamed and did not call the cops took her to the doctor. While I understand his fear, at that moment that would have been the least of my problems, my daughter's safety would have come first. I would rather get blame and got to jail than allow this to happen to my child, he also thought about himself and his own safety and did not put her first. EVERYONE failed her including David, Sorry but it the truth.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoI'd urge you to read KARLY SHEEHAN to get a more complete understanding of all the ways in which Sarah was setting David up.
about 8 years agoYou are among the few to have the courage to shine a light on David's parental responsibility to his daughter. The mother is clearly non human and the perpetrator a monster. But David also put his fear of deportation and personal risk of prosecution first. I do believe he feels great guilt, sorrow and loss. But never on any day or time would anyone on earth or in the heavens convince me as a mother to intellectualize, flounder or question the clear signs of abuse this child demonstrated. My maternal instinct is ferocious and yes my child comes before me and anyone or thing. It is the responsibility we take on when we bring life into this world. A responsibility which never ends but that I accept gladly. Too bad people do no have to pass a test or pay handsomely for the privelege of being a parent!
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoNot sure if you read the book Karly Sheehan, but if you had you might have a better understanding of the ways Sarah was setting David up to be framed for abuse that Shawn was committing. David made mistakes. His biggest mistake was trusting a broken system. And yes, it's very easy for the rest of us to say what we would do or wouldn't do. It's a different matter altogether when you are the one being framed.
Jennifer R Todd
about 8 years agoI am just so devistated after hearing and reading about this tragedy. I also have to say that I am APPALLED that the person who brought this child into the world, sorry but I refuse to call her a MOTHER as she is the furthest thing from one I have ever heard of, didnt face any charges and was never held accountable for what she allowed to happen to her child. I truly truly hope that, in someway, someday, this woman will pay for her crime while she is still alive but if not we can only hope she will be held accountable when it TRULY counts, when she reaches the gates of heaven and is shunned for her actions her on Earth.....shame on you Sarah. No job or money is worth the life of a child....
about 8 years agoI just watched Karly's story on ID and I wanted to jump through the tv and punch Sarah, stupid worthless mother I'm so angry about this story, so sad for Karly's father my heart breaks. Yes it's not an easy job to raise children but Sarah hardly had that much responsibility, she knew what was happening you can see it in her face, why did she leave work early she knew what was going on. I hate her for neglecting Karly. Sorry to post such a negative post it just really hurt me this story plus I was searching online for what was wrong with Sarah and if she had done any time for her neglect, and came across this page. S.I.P Karly little angel ??
about 8 years agoI am so appalled by this story. What a sick sick mother. She was aware, I am familiar with a similar story of a mother I knew who was aware that her boyfriend was sexually abusing her daughter yet allowed it to happen as she loved him too much. Some mothers truly don't deserve to have children in their care, to think those images of Karly didn't prompt much more effective action is shocking. The poor child. May her mother join her boyfriend in hell.
about 8 years agoI feel it's absolutely shocking that these people couldn't figure out that someone very close to her was giving her such terrible beatings.there is no way that the mother never knew that the boyfriend was doing it all along.i think she was covering for him all along.i watched her being interviewed on tv.seems like she doesn't have that motherly love in her.the boyfriend was a monster but a mother who doesn't put the safety of her child's life first,is selfish and a bigger monster.i think she deserves to rot in prison co's she most definitely knew about the abuse all along.which mother will look at such terrible injuries and do nothing about it,it's not normal co's if it were to happen to anyone's child a mother will get to the bottom of it and will not rest until justice is served.i think her behaviour is very strange.this woman belongs behind bars.may you rest in peace beautiful angel.we never knew you but we already love you.they should have the death penalty for people who torture and abuse defenceless children co's they are in a situation were they are too young to stand up to these monsters.these monsters need to be removed from society permanently.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoResearch shows that in a lot of child abuses cases the mother either knows or is actively involved in the abuse. In fact, mothers are far more likely to commit child abuse than fathers. Sarah's involvement was much deeper than this TV show explores.
about 8 years agoHow she didn't know he was gay though and beating her child ?? She should've let her ex husband get custody if things was hard then . I can tell she has no sense at all. Women just be blinded .. how women can be blinded by a man who clearly was beating her child .he gave her signs .. im just disgust with it him.. he dervese the death he got .. no child should die in the hands of a pyshco path whose clearly not happy with his life.. women need to pay more attention to they kids ..
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoShe did know he was bisexual. She came across evidence of it in the weeks prior to Karly's death and Shawn was very angry at her over that. Still, she went off and left her daughter in Shawn's care despite his anger.
John Speese
about 8 years agoThe first time I saw Sarah being interviewed on the show, I knew she was complicit , hiding, guilty Period! The fact that your book points out how she goes from man to man to receive sexual pleasure well there was something in it for her to stay with this scumbag Sean...... it didn't take a genius to see that he was guilty as Sin and she should have been charged for accessory to murder I feel like throwing up ! I'm full of Rage and tears.
Scherry Meinhardt
about 8 years agoAll the posts about this Mother are so true! As I watched the show about Karly, I cried and I am a Christian but I felt disgust towards the so call "mom!" I was married to an abuser in every way, but I'd never let my ex abuse my children no matter how frightened I was of him!! I knew the truth about Shawn as soon as his name was mentioned! This woman should have been punished for not protecting her precious child! Some might say she's already being punished knowing how Karly was tortured and how she died, but I don't think so because Maria Salinas had to ask her "what about Karly?" because all you heard from her is "Woe is me!" "Poor me and abuse I endured!!" All Sarah can see is "poor Sarah!" Get over yourself!! Your precious sweet child is dead because of your neglect!! I just couldn't believe the things she had the gull to say but never speaking the truth to her child's suffering at the hands of that evil man because of HER!!! Was the sex that good that she used this precious child as "bait" like a Pimp!! I normally don't comment like this but watching this woman being interviewed by Maria just made my blood boil!! because I was an abused woman/wife (jumped thru a front bedroom window to get away from my ex who had a knife on me, everything cut up but my face, and 35 yrs later still don't remember jumping thru that window to escape my abuser but I know I did from eye witnesses & my 4 little children seeing & talking about it, having a .38 put in my face & telling me 2 get out of house without my babies or I'd be shot in front of them, not even knowing @ the time the gun was cocked & hear it go off as I stepped outside & learning from SWAT later what occurred, etc!) and I'm sure my abuse was greater than Sarah's yet I fought for my children until I couldn't fight anymore! That precious little angel is with The Father Above and can never be hurt by her mother again!! I know it was Shawn who tortured and beat Karly to death, but he couldnt have done that if her so called "mother" had done her job as all Mothers must do to keep their precious children safe. My prayers & thoughts go out to Karly's father and his family and Sarah also (because listening to her something isn't right with her). Much love to them! God Bless!!
about 8 years agoI'm going to purchase your book off amazon. I saw the show on ID and it left me in tears. The entire system in Oregon was lacking and that mother knew what was going on. Testimony or not Sarah have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. She knew her daughter was being abused and how the prosecutors let her off was crazy. Such a sad story how this child was crying out for help and no one helped her is all so sad.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoIt is so difficult to understand the thinking behind women who choose men over their babies. It's a daily occurrence I can tell you that. People who work in child abuse centers see it daily. In Sarah's case, she had her own apartment, which she kept throughout her relationship with Shawn. There was no evidence of any abuse toward Sarah. So the notion that she was too afraid of him to do anything just isn't supported by the evidence. I believe strongly that women need to be held accountable for the choices they make that put their children in harm's way. I said so in the book, Karly Sheehan. There is evidence that Sarah was complicit in her daughter's abuse.
about 8 years agoIt's too bad that Sarah didn't get a sentence like the mother of Riley Ann Sawyers mother got. How can these sick women let their boyfriends hurt their babies? As a mother of two I'm completely disgusted beyond comprehension.
about 8 years agoI am wondering why nobody addresses the father in all of this. He genuinely seemed to love his daughter but he, too, ignored this abuse, perhaps more through ignorance. Just watching the program and seeing the pictures, it was very clear there was abuse going on. And, the timeline of mom with the boyfriend made it very clear where it was coming from. Nobody would stop me from finding out what was going on, were that my child. I feel sorry for him that he was not in tune with this, either. I think he was too worried about being deported (reference his comments about his visa). What a very sad, sad story. By the way, addressing all of the comments, I also want to say this has nothing to do with God or homosexuals or abortion. Really? Why use this tragedy to make a political or religious point? smh.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoFor further understanding on why David made the choices he did, you might want to read Karly Sheehan. There is so much more to this story than revealed in the TV show. Sarah was setting David up, conspiring with Shawn to frame David. It's a very complicated story and while David made mistakes (He'd be the first to tell you that) his first concern was always Karly's welfare.
Sara Stojkovic
about 7 years agoI am shocked. I watched The Real Story and now I am gonna read the book. Jesus. So in the end of the episode, Sarah talks about being mentally abused, and how that is a real tragedy and then Maria asks her “What about your daughter, SHE DIED AND THIS IS ABOUT HER” (not in that words but similar) and than when Maria asks her if she thinks she was a neglective parent she says “No I have been the best parent that I could be at the time”. She came to that show to defend herself and try to look like she really cared about her daughter and not just about herself. I really hope karma beats the shit out of her and she pays for being one ugly person. I hope the spirit of that kid lives forever and I hope her dad finds the peace he needs.
about 7 years agoAs usual I’m the last to show up. However I’m glad to hear how deeply this story is affecting people. We should all be outraged. I am reassured to see how many truly beautiful people there are out there who can be as moved by someone else’s tragedy. Because it’s not someone else’s tragedy, it’s a tragedy for the entire species. I, too, had only seen the program on ID until I read this entire thread. It’s the first time I’ve ever read one entirely. I was actually very glad to hear Maria Elena Salinas ask that horrible woman if she thought she had neglected her daughter. Programs like that can only investigate so much in an hour. It’s clear from reading this thread that EVERYBODY understood a lot of what was implied. And I can’t believe that horrible woman had the nerve to start taking money from people in Karly’s name. That really makes my blood boil. Thanks to Karen Zacharias for doing her homework. I understand you have to sell your book, but I do wish you could explain some things a little further. I’d be very interested to hear more about how that horrible woman tried to set up the father. It’s one thing the program didn’t cover that hadn’t occurred to me but which made perfect sense when I read it hear. I disagree that David should have thought less about being deported more about Karly. I think he was thinking about her. If he was deported-for something he didn’t do mind you-Karly would have suffered. It’s traumatic for a child to have a loving parent taken away. I suppose you could argue Shawn gets what he wants if David is gone. I don’t know. I just think David’s fear of the police was rational all things considered. In any case, we might all have differences of opinion about this or that. I’m glad to hear all your beautiful voices. You are fine human beings. The bottom line is that the tragedy for Karly is paramount. Shawn is the worst kind of evil there is and that horrible woman should be in jail as well. I really hope she reads this stuff.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 7 years agoI am glad you saw the show. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, encouragements, and questions. Many questions are addressed in the book - hardly a big money maker as you can purchase it online at Amazon for the price of a cup of coffee or less. The point of the book is to show how easy it is to approach children with preconceived notions - and their parents. Our stereotypes about child abuse influence our perspectives. I hope you will take time to read Karly Sheehan and if you still have questions, please feel free to email them to me at zachauthor at gmail.com
Janet Murray
about 7 years ago@ Karen Spears, Thank you for shedding further light on this tragic case. I will read the book Karly's tragedy and how every adult and the system failed her , brings tears to my eyes. I watched the story last night here in Nairobi, Kenya. I am glad that most readers here agree that Sarah knowingly put her sweet little girl in harm's way. Some people are never meant to be mothers and she is clearly one them . It is worth investigating if David can bring a case of wrongful death against Sarah. So painful that she went scot free and given audience to paint herself as a victim. That picture of Karly standing n the door way as her Mum leaves for work and Shawn is looking down from the landing is very telling . It is almost like he and Sarah know what will follow. I also believe the money motive, so Shawn did not mean to kill her but, wanted to use the last opportunity to inflict beatings that would strengthen framing David for child abuse . He underestimated the cumulative effect of prior beatings on small Karly. Remember this was Karly's last weekend with Sarah .
about 5 years agoJust watched ID show for first time on this horrible story (2/25/20) and I share the same comments from this site especially the ones regarding Sarah Sheehan! It was sad to watch a female prosecutor cry when talking about Karly yet her boss did nothing to ensure Sarah was charged and convicted of felony child abuse! What also bothered me was that someone in this feed stated that Sarah Sheehan was setting up and collecting from fund raising using her deceased little girl’s story to gain the money. How can this woman continue her life of drugs and crime (in my opinion) and get away with it? Unfortunately, as she showed in this show, she has no concern, feelings or worry about her dead daughter - only for herself! My husband worked as a detective for crimes against children for almost 25 years and the so called parents angered him just as much as the horror these kids endured! He went after them, as well as the abusers, as he felt the need to show these kids someone cared to stop their abuse even from their complacent parents! All went to jail if he could prove a parent was criminally negligent against their children like Sarah Sheehan clearly was! The entire village raising and protecting Karly all failed her! I’m sure she is one bright angel up in heaven safe and loved!
cyndi hall
about 5 years agoNo karlys killer is not dead. Her mother is still alive and walking free.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 5 years agoI understand your point. If you've read the book, then you know I thought the prosecutors should have charged her.
Kelly B
about 5 years agoHer mother should have been charged. Seriously wtf?? I give my daughter a bath every night and I know every bruise on her body and how she got them. I am very observative and I don't think I'm mother of the year I do work a lot,however a mother knows. I know when she doesn't feel good, when her tummy hurts, when she's hungry,when she's tired and when she's teething. A mother knows... Unless she doesn't want to see something
about 5 years agoMaybe children who claim they are being abused or children who someone suspects is being abused should be required to be seen by a psychologist within 48 hours also. May Karly Rest In Peace May Shawn Rot In Hell
Essy Ray
about 5 years agoJust watched the heartbreaking story on ID down here in Nairobi. I really think and believe all these could have been avoided. Her mom is to blame for all these. And she surely deserved some jail time. Rest in Peace Carly.
Kelly b
about 5 years agoHow??? I see one hair out of place on my nieces heads I'm on one. That's never happened however if anything was out of place or I saw MY CHILD WAS MISSING CLUMPS OF HAIR I WOULD DO SOMETHING! I don't care about myself or anyone else only my child and niece's, they are all helpless. How f*cked up does one have to be to do those things???? In jail he should have had a broom stick shoved up his @$$ ! I hope he FRies in hell P O S
about 2 years agoDear Karen, Thank you for writing the book. The truth will be told one way or the other. I read some of the accounts from the trial (and perhaps a few chapters online years ago?) - it was too hard to read the whole thing at the time. When all of this happened in 2005, I had the same general reaction as everyone on here. I felt that everyone failed the little angel, everyone! I have been mentally abused for most of my life. The world has quite a few narcissistic hateful people. I feel a general sense of despair about that. HOWEVER, I think it is worth mentioning that we should be careful when it comes to judging anyone and I mean anyone. We are all capable of doing terrible things given the wrong circumstances. As far as my abusers are concerned, I have come to the conclusion that they literally don't know any better. I am thankful that I am not one of them. Even though I feel the pain of the abuse every day, I am grateful to know Jesus. Jesus was completely innocent and was tortured and killed for our sins. Think about that for a minute - even Shawn Field's horrific abuse and murder of Karly. There is no question that Karly is with Our Great King. For whatever reason, some of us have to endure abuse as children and even as adults. It is allowed in this world. We cannot control the circumstances we are born into. While Karly suffered terribly I believe Jesus comforted her through the entire ordeal. I'm sorry that Shawn Fields did not take responsibility before he died. I hope Sarah can see the light some day. It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance. Romans 2;4. Thank you again for writing the book Karen. Christian