If you want to teach a child to hate
If you want to teach a child to hate, you have to be a hater first. You cannot teach a child to hate if you go around loving on everybody. It is best that you model hatred from a very early age. Children are sponges. They will soak up your attitudes long before they are able to mimic your words. So, first and foremost, you must be a hater yourself if you are to have any hope of raising a child to hate.
If you want to teach a child to hate, you must channel your own hatred. Preferably toward a particular person or a specific group of people. Hatred works best in concentrated doses. Don’t just go around hating on everyone, lest your child dismiss you as just a crotchety nut case. In order to establish credibility with your child, you must love them while hating others. This is not difficult to do. It is easy to love your own, and easier yet to hate those who aren’t like you. You must teach your child that is what it takes to be family: To love only those who look and believe as you look and believe.
If you want to teach a child to hate, you must use the language of hate. You should repeat out loud several times a day over a long course of time that you hate so and so. Be sure and name them by name, those that you hate. That is the only way a child can differentiate who it is specifically they should hate, too. Perhaps it is your ex, or maybe it is your mother-in-law, or maybe it is the preacher man, or the President of the United States, or maybe it is just all black people, or all Muslims. Whoever it is you hate, you must identify them for your child. Otherwise, your child may get confused and love the wrong people. Children are hard-wired to love people. You must do everything in your power to overcome that natural tendency and teach them that it is wrong, perhaps even a sin, to love so indiscriminately.
If you want to teach to child to hate, you must point out all the reasons why it is right to hate. This is especially true as the child grows older and begins reading. They may come across a book about a black person or a Muslim or a LGBT person that gives them a different perspective. A book that may appeal to your child’s innate nature of compassion and empathy. You must forbid them from reading such literature. You must teach them that it is sinful and that God, too, hates those people that you hate. You must convince them that God only loves people who look and act and behave as you look, act and behave. God loves his own kind, that’s what you must tell your child if you are to have any hope of teaching a child to hate.
If you want to teach a child to hate, you must teach them to fear. Fear is one of the primary building blocks of hate. In order to hate a person fully and without any lapse in compassion, you must first of all fear them. You must teach a child that the person or the group of people have wronged you and your people horribly. You must convince the child that person or group of people mean to do harm to the child as well. You must fill the child’s imagination with all the ways in which they could be hurt. You must tell them that given a chance that person and/or groups of people will rape them, will assault them, will break into the house and take them from you, that given a chance, they will even kill you and your child. This may require you pulling photos from Internet sources to show your child all the ways in which this person and/or group of people have harmed others just like you, just like your child. You may also have to resort to showing your child violent movies in order to underscore for that child all the reasons why they should be afraid, why they should hate.
If you want to teach a child to hate, you must isolate that child from anyone who thinks differently than you or your family. Your love for that child must be so all-consuming that even if your own parents or a teacher or a pastor were to express concerns about some of the things the child has repeated or some of the ways the child has acted out, you are totally dismissive of any outsider’s advice. You must be willing to forbid your child from attending public school, or from spending time with grandparents. Those are the two most likely places they would learn that hatefulness is something to be scorned. So you must be diligent in your efforts to teach a child to hate.
If you want to teach a child to hate, be sure to expose your child to music filled with hateful lyrics. Never let them listen to any Johnny Cash or Old Crow Medicine Show. It will be best if you feed them a daily diet of hard-core hate lyrics. You know the sort, the one that refers to women as whores and bitches and black people as niggas and thugs. Choose only music with lyrics that demean others. Better yet, choose music with a rocking beat so that your child does not even think about the lyrics they are consuming, or about the way the music is eroding their soul. Laugh at them when they call you a fucking bitch when they are still toddlers. Have them repeat their words for all your friends, who will laugh along with you. This laughter at inappropriate words serves a purpose. In order to teach a child to hate, you have to teach them to not be a respecter of any person, yourself included. It’s the sacrifice a parent has to pay if you want to teach a child to hate.
If you want to teach a child to hate, you must build into them a sense of superiority. Tell them how special they are and how God created them in his image and that image includes a belief that they are chosen. It is important that your child feels he or she is better than others. You must teach them that God condones hatred. They must be convinced that their every action is a holy one, anointed, if you will. Convincing a child of the rightness of their actions is the only way a parent can be ensured that hatred has really taken root. A child who grows up demeaning others and laughing off the suffering such demeaning behavior causes will be able to hate freely and fully without any compulsion towards loving.
This is how you teach a child to hate.
Karen Spears Zacharias is author of the forthcoming BURDY, Mercer University Press.
about 10 years agoJesus' parable of neighborliness is startling for several reasons. Superficially, it portrays compassion, grace and mercy that seem to know no bounds in the life of a (to the lawerly nit-picking questioner) despicable, sub-human, infidel Samaritan. Jesus could probably have talked all day 'til he was blue or red in the face to no avail about the evils of hating the "other", whomever that may be. His listeners would most likely have applied all the boilerplate denials and justifications for themselves. The biblical text comes right out and says so. Instead, Jesus leads them through the back door leaving them standing not on solid concrete but tottering on the tightrope of their own rationalizations. Two quotes come to mind today. The first from seminary professor R: "Sin doesn't come to the world wanting to look like sin. It comes wanting to look like righteousness." The second from theologian J: "Evil is never more quietly powerful than in the assumption that it resides elsewhere." The young man standing in front of the jail guards and speaking to the judge via camera had chillingly vacant eyes. He is living testimony that flaming rage has an equally deadly counterpart: the human dead zone of emotional and empathetic deep-freeze. Teaching a child to hate is one thing. Failure to teach a child to love is quite another. The soul-crushing anguish expressed by the surviving family members was telling. Thinkers will debate whether their passionate expressions of forgiveness were or could ever be genuine, especially in the apparent absence of repentance at this point. I hold no such reservations. Expressions of forgiveness don't mean that Dylann Roof walks free. But they are the only way forward for the wounded living. Likewise, a death sentence for the alleged shooter, if convicted, will not bring "justice" which in the best Christian sense is distributive justice rather than retributive justice. Only life and hard-fought, painful love can do that, love that can outlast a human ice age of 10,000 years. Hatred is easy and cowardly. Love is courageous and hard.
about 10 years agoCan't believe min was the only comment posted to this piece. Maybe Jon Stewart can bring more of a response: http://www.yesmagazine.org/peace-justice/jon-stewart-on-charleston-church-shooting?utm_source=YTW&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=20150626