I believe in the Resurrection


I believe in Resurrection because I’ve experienced it in my own life and bore witness to it in the lives of others.

I’ve seen those impacted by war, widows and veterans and orphans, rise up from burning ashes.

I’ve witnessed those stricken by cancer ring the bells of healing.

I’ve heard the stories of those impacted by abuse resurrected.

I’ve listened to the broken-hearted laugh again.

I’ve held the hands of the despairing as they rose from their beds and walked into a new dawn.

I’ve known the imprisoned who have walked free again.

I’ve known repentant racists who’ve shed their white robes at the altar.

I’ve known bigots who learned to love those whom they formerly despised.

I once was such a bigot before my own resurrection from a zealot’s life.

I am the daughter of a mother and father resurrected.

I am the offspring of the Creator of Renewal, Redemption, and of all Resurrections.

The Giver of New Life for all.

No exceptions.

Not a single one.

I believe in Redemption and Resurrections because without it all the future holds for any of us is condemnation.


Karen Spears Zacharias is author of Where’s Your Jesus Now? How fear erodes our faith (Zondervan).

Karen Spears Zacharias

Author/Journalist/Educator. Gold Star Daughter.

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