Hillary Clinton is not a Baby Killer
Hillary Clinton is not a baby killer.
But I am.
I am.
I took the life of my child.
It was not a decision I made callously or flippantly. Not the murdering part, I mean. The decision to get pregnant in the first place was absolutely a callous and flippant decision. I’ve written in great detail about that abortion in the memoir about my father’s death – After the Flag has been Folded (William Morrow).
There are many reasons why I thought I wanted to get pregnant, but the most compelling one was that I was desperate to be loved and cherished by someone. In my convoluted and wounded way of thinking, I figured if nothing else it would be me and that baby against the rest of the world. I wasn’t trying to trap a fellow into marrying me as much as I was trying to trap a child into nurturing me.
It’s okay that you don’t understand my rationale at the time. I lived it and I barely understand it. A year or two after I killed my baby, I read in a sociology journal that fatherless girls are more likely to be promiscuous. That’s the academic code word for the more commonly used trailer park slut phrase.
I might have qualified for the latter if I hadn’t been such a good Christian girl.
I was 12 the first time two guys asked me to have sex with them, begged me, really. My father had died two years prior and our family life had become completely unstable as a result of that death. (My sincere apologies if this sounds like justification for bad behavior to you. I am not excusing my behavior. I killed a baby. A baby with a beating heart and a developing brain and tiny little feet.)
My baby was 12 weeks old when a suction abortion ended his/her life.
I didn’t feel the full weight of that murder until I gave birth many years later to a son. I wept for hours. Not out of joy, though there was some of that, but primarily out of sheer recognition that I took a life, a precious life. I killed my baby.
My children, grown now, some with children of their own, know about how I killed their half-sibling. They’ve forgiven me for that. My children put up with a lot with me for a mother.
My own mother had to sign for that abortion. That was the law at the time in Georgia. Roe vs. Wade had only been in effect for a very short time. There was only one doctor in my hometown who performed abortions. He was a hippie doctor from Montana.
Mama always felt guilty about that, signing for that abortion, although it had been her suggestion when she first learned I was pregnant. She, who had been pregnant when she married, didn’t want me that for me. So the nurse in her urged me to get an abortion.
But then my brother called from Oregon. He told Mama that having an abortion was murder and he didn’t think I should do that. Yes, the very same brother who had created havoc in our household for years, was urging us to do the God thing: Keep the baby. So Mama, who always regarded my brother’s insight over anything her daughters said or thought, changed her mind. She didn’t want to sign the papers. She wanted to keep the baby and raise it as her own.
I refused. Outright refused. Why would I let you raise a baby of mine considering you haven’t been here for me? I hurled those words in anger at the mother I had been positioning with for years.
I had intended to keep the baby, raise it myself up, until my brother got involved.
That I murdered my baby is not my brother’s fault. He was trying his best to be a good big brother. I know that. I love him for that. But ours was a messed up family at the time. There was so much brokenness, so many unspoken hurts, so much unresolved grief. We were all just trying to survive the best way we knew how.
But once Mama rescinded her advice to get an abortion, an abortion was what I knew was the best of the wrong things to do. I could not let my mother raise my baby and no one was advising me to give up my child for adoption. It was never a serious conversation or even one in passing.
You may be thinking you don’t need to know all this stuff about me. I wish I didn’t have to bring it up. But certain social and culture events have led me to this place of writing about a subject that is hard for the both of us, you and me.
Before dismissing me as having been a selfish and spoiled 17-year old, you should know I was none of those things. Ask anyone who knew me in those days. Up until the Fall of 1973, I was a good Christian girl. I went to church three times a week, some weeks more. I read my Bible everyday, prayed about everything, prayed for my whole family all the time. I was a good daughter, often helping my mother around the house. I could fry up a whole chicken to perfection by age 11, and fold hospital corners on a bed. When I was 14, I was tucking my very inebriated mother into bed one night when she reached out, stroked my face and remarked, “Sometimes I don’t know who is the mother here – me or you.”
To this day, I count that as one of the most tender moments my mother and I ever shared. She died in 2012 after a battle with lung cancer. I miss her more every day.
Last week, I was in Alabama and got to witness a Jubilee. You can read about that Jubilee here.
As I stood on that pier and watched all those baby catfish float to the surface, grasping for air, and all those birds feeding, happily, I was reminded once again that I live in the place of juxtaposition.
That inbetween place.
That is to say, as far as I know Hillary Clinton has never had an abortion, never killed her own child. Yet, every single day Hillary Clinton gets accused of killing babies. I have family members who will happily post a meme on their Facebook page accusing Hillary Clinton of murdering babies and yet, they will be completely uncomfortable that I have publicly confessed to the murder of my own child.
The very same people who say to me “God has forgiven you for that” will publicly crucify Hillary Clinton for taking a pro-choice stance.
In their convoluted way of thinking, they will hold Hillary Clinton accountable for the murder I committed.
Last week’s Jubilee came on my very last morning in Alabama. I sat on the steps of that pier and watched mesmerized as terns and pelicans fed joyously, happily on all those baby catfish dying. One animal’s feasting the result of another animal’s sacrifice.
I wept out of sheer amazement to be privy again to a Jubilee and because I understood all too well the joys such a sacrifice can lead to.
To be clear, if you don’t understand yet, I consider abortion murder. I know that I killed my child. I may not have understood that at age 17 and 12 weeks pregnant, but I certainly came to understand it after my son and three daughters were born.
But if you ask me if I regret my decision, the answer is that I regret ALL the decisions that led me to that hurting place. But I know that if I had not had that abortion, I would not be here in Oregon, would not have the husband I have, the four children I have, the three grandsons I have.
I sent my sister a note today: You do realize, don’t you, that if I had not had that abortion, not only would I not have had the family I have, you wouldn’t have had the family you have, either.
If I had allowed my mother to keep the baby, as she suggested, I would have been pregnant when I graduated high school. Come to think of it, I probably wouldn’t have even graduated high school because in those days, in that place, visibly pregnant girls were not allowed to attend public school.
I wouldn’t have given birth until three months after graduation. I doubt my mother would have ever left Georgia had I let her raise my child. She certainly wouldn’t have taken off cross-country within a few weeks of my graduation from high school the way she did.
Those of you who really know me, know how much God has blessed me with a loving husband, who is kind and full of mercy, a man who knows this whole story, who knew it from the get-go of our dating life. Those of you who know my children, know how much faith is the cornerstone of our lives, individually and collectively.
God’s response to me murdering my baby was not punishment or judgment or condemnation. He pulled me into his loving arms and has showered me in adulthood with the family I missed in my childhood. He just said, “Come here, honey’ and he embraced me.
I wish so much that my senior year of high school had gone differently. I wish I hadn’ t gotten pregnant. I wish my mother and I could have found our way through all that hurt sooner, easier. I wish all that hurt hadn’t been there to start with. I wish daddy had come home from war in something other than a shiny silver casket.
But that’s not what happened.
Life and death are messy.
God helps us through the chaos we create.
When Liberty University and Dr. James Dobson and Franklin Graham Jr. came out and endorsed Donald Trump for president, I knew there was one underlying reason for that endorsement – Trump promised to appoint to the Supreme Court justices who will overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Donald Trump is one of the most reprehensible people to ever run for president. He is a bully. He is hateful. He is a bigot. His rhetoric is dangerous. His primary form of communication is hate speech. These aren’t empty claims I’m making. Every day the newspaper and the television are full of evidence of his hate talk. Even he stood before the Republican National Convention and told the evangelicals who endorsed him that he didn’t think he really deserved their support, given his behavior.
Donald Trump is emotionally and mentally unfit to be president. Yet, this man has received more grace from these evangelical leaders than any hurting 17-year old pregnant girl is ever likely to. Albeit, mercifully, not everyone in the evangelical community has jumped on the Trump campaign wagon.
Consider these remarks from Dr. Russell Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention: “When you have someone who is standing up race baiting, racist speech, using immigrants and others in our communities in the most horrific ways and we say ‘that doesn’t matter’ and we are part of the global body of Christ simply for the sake of American politics, and we expect that we are going to be able to reach the nations for Christ? I don’t think so, and so I think we need to let our yes be yes and our no be no and our never be never.”
Can’t I get an Amen? Thank you, Southern Baptists, the Rose Hill church of my childhood.
Donald Trump is the most unfit person to have ever entered a presidential race. Yet, too many Christians are supporting him in a collective bloc because they believe him when he says he’ll rescind Roe vs. Wade. (He won’t but that’s another discussion for another day.)
As I told my sis, if I had been denied the right to an abortion, my life would be so much worse than it is today. I would have most likely been a single mother dependent on the very taxpayers who took away my right for an abortion, to help support me and my child.
In no way do I mean for my journey to be a prescriptive for other young girls. Avoid abortions. Killing a baby is a terrible form of birth control. There are lasting consequences. Perhaps not all the wrath and judgment that Dobson and others want God to rain down on women, but certainly there is a lingering sense of loss.
See what I mean about living in the juxtaposition? I am who I am today because I killed my baby. I am both grateful for the life I have, and traumatized by the death that allowed me to arrive at this place in my life.
Yet, God has extended far more grace to me than I deserve, and far more grace than men like Dr. James Dobson, Jerry Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham and many evangelicals are willing to extend to women like me. These men have traded away their core beliefs to support a candidate who clearly stands in direct opposition to all that Jesus stood for, and they are doing all this for the power of dictating to young girls and women a life void of grace.
Hillary Clinton is pro-choice. That doesn’t make her a baby killer. So save me the hyperbole.
Should people feel the want to call somebody a baby killer, come see me.
I’m the baby killer.
If anyone deserves all that harsh judgment that leads to all those ugly memes and hate-talk, it’s me. Not Hillary Clinton.
I can handle the condemnation and judgment because God and I, we don’t keep secrets from one another.Besides, I know God is nowhere as near as hateful as Donald Trump.
God has never once talked down to me the way Trump talks down to nearly everyone.
Karen Spears Zacharias is an author and a Gold-Star Daughter and a praying woman who always bets on a better future and those candidates who speak to our better selves and not our worst fears.
Kathyeen M. Rodgers
about 9 years agoKaren, You have my deepest respect. As an author myself, I stand in awe of your grace and bravery. Thank you for being you. Kathleen
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 9 years agoThank you for being a friend.
Robby Keeble
about 9 years agoI love you Karen. This essay is the best thing I've read regarding abortion. Not to mention grace and forgiveness.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 9 years agoThank you, Robby, for standing with me in the darkness all these years.
Steve Taylor
about 9 years agoMy sister, I remain so thankful for your humility, courage, and honesty. My hope is that others may find the same through your story of God's empathic merciful communion, which if we allow it, will always reach into the deepest realities of our busted-up lives. Lord knows, we need such grace and healing as never before.
Jane kirkpatrick
about 9 years agoCourage. I knew there was a grace-filled reason why I admired you. A small boy once told me that powerful was when you want to quit but you keep going. You are a powerful child of God.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 9 years agoThank you for adding your voice of compassion and mercy, Jane. Your words mean a great deal to me.
about 9 years agoSimply the best, Karen. Simply the best.
Ellen Ward
about 9 years agoThanks for sharing this, Karen. As always, you are completely transparent, an open book, the most opinionated person I know. I'm proud to be your friend, even when--especially when!--we disagree. I don't think Hillary is a baby killer, but I disagree with the glorification of abortion under the veil of women's rights. Still not voting for either of these sorry excuses for candidates.
Christie Purifoy
about 9 years agoThank you, thank you, thank you. Your story is powerful.
about 9 years agoI'll be the second male to respond to this post. I could tell a family story different from yours but with deeper and more conflicted issues and, yes, a note of grace at the end that leaves me almost speechless. I'll omit nearly all the details except to say that it involves the crime of rape. Rape that also implanted life. There is a crime worse than murder, a "crime", if you will, worse than abortion. He didn't date her, make love to her or have sex with her. He took her life in his hands and masturbated with it. He made of another life a dirty doormat, and he planted another life beneath it. His actions made him unworthy of the ownership of his hands, his eyes and his genitalia. He desecrated not only two lives but the very gifts of reproduction and generativity. He has done it more than once, and as far as I know, he walks free today. If one can live in this kind of imprisoned view of humanity and be said to be "free". The deeper question turns on our responsibility to and for all of life. A good friend's life was "aborted" in Iraq when he took two lives he should never have been in position to take, delivered others to incarceration that they should never have known. By all reasonable standards, he should not be alive today, considering the mountains of prescribed medications and alcohol he has consumed, the blood loss from multiple self-inflicted wounds. What troubles him most is the injustice of lost lives of fellow soldiers knowingly sent by superiors where they should not have been and inadequately equipped to survive what they would face. For their loss of life he sees no hope of accountability from superiors or a nation that should have and could have known better. So let's talk about the abortive outcomes of foreign policy and pre-emptive war that turns a nation upside down, dismisses all authority, floods it with weapons, then declares "mission accomplished" and leaves. Let's talk about superpowers that in the mould of the Roman Empire back dictators and police states in that names of "sphere of influence", "balance of power", and "economic security" allow all sorts of desecrations of subjugated people. Let's talk about the abortive outcomes of smart bombs, surgical strikes, and drone attacks that distance us from the consequences of war, as though using remote control sterilized all concerns of morality for us. Let's talk about what is done in our name, with our tax dollars, with at least our acquiescence if not our downright blessing and demands. Let's talk about the abortive process of maintaining an unsustainable level of consumption and our near total abdication of dealing with greenhouse gases, extinction of species and climate change. My wife says no one sees abortion related to any of these bigger issues. I say abortion is but the fly speck on the billboard of the bigger issues and that we are all involved in, every last one of us. Could God actually find "50 righteous" among us? 40? 30? 20? 10? And here I sit writing about it when doing so changes absolutely no one's mind. Only spending time with one another face to face will begin to identify our irreverence for life and the potential for honoring and cherishing it. Holy Spirit, bless us with new vision. Bless us with life. Amen.
Janie Watts Spataro
about 9 years agoKaren, How you have shown us your heart! Thank you for sharing this life-affirming story. Excellent!
about 8 years agoYou have to be sick to support Hillary Clinton who thinks babies can be killed right up to the day they are born. Donald Trump is not your typical politician - thank God. As a woman I would never look up to Hillary, we have nothing that is relatable - she is pure evil, a cheater, a liar, pure evil. I can't imagine having any respect for that. Shame on you!
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoSandy: Your information about Clinton's stand on abortion is misguided. That is not Clinton's stand, but what state do you live in? Because many states have bans on late-term abortion. Many states have restrictions on abortion after 20 weeks. If you live in a state where abortion is allowed in the late term, you need to take up the issue with your state legislators because abortion is restricted state by state, not via the federal government. Your vote for a candidate based upon late-term abortion reveals a lack of understanding of how your own government works. You want to restrict late-term abortions? Start with your state legislators.
about 8 years agoOne is just as bad as bad as the other. I could tell you of someone personally they killed while governor. You need to know your facts. I love your story as I had two stillborns and KNOW pain and my lady kept a girl from having an abortion, but it does not move mean to vote for that vicious woman. You will see! This only ok's and open doors to do it too easily.
William Lee
about 8 years agoPlease open your eye and seek the truth. Trump is not perfect but he doesn't advocate baby murdering at anytime. She is proud and boastful of the fact the wants to abort babies. If we as humans can't protect our own species then our life is meaningless and not worth fighting for either. Why do we not want to fight for the most vulnerable and innocent? Instinctively we know abortion is wrong yet we make so many rationalizations that take us further away from the truth. Hillary wants to kill babies and Trump doesn't. Regardless of all other issues, Trump gets my vote because he cares enough to protect the innocent.
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoInstinctively we know war is wrong, yet, that didn't prevent us from invading Iraq under a president who claimed to be pro-life..who btw is voting for Clinton, not Trump. This election cannot be boiled down to a single-issue. Trump is inexperienced and unqualified. He is emotionally unstable. He cannot be president.
Tony Mafera
about 8 years agoWould you have had the abortion if it was illegal? The Truth lies in your answer! Maybe its just about your Feelings (nothing more than feelings… as the song goes) The world needs truth and justice, Only Jesus forgives, Clintons position is and always will be wrong! She can be forgiven too, but must save innocent babies from murderous sinners like you, that’s if she has any moral turpitude and repents her position. Democrats are the party of sodomy and baby murderers, both of which are against life. Neither of those platform positions can create life. Remember the first of Gods pleasures (and ours too)—Be FRUITFUL and multiple—The Democrats cannot do this when they support such anti-life platforms as sodomy and baby murdering. (But I’m just a murderous sinner too in need of grace, but I must choose what God has said was good, and let God do the forgiving; not by me forgiving Hilary Clinton by writing a article like this one)
Tony Mafera
about 8 years agoMore: After reading your Bio, I see why you take the positions you take. Its in your left leaning surroundings (i.e. universities, journalism / media etc...). IMO after looking at your associations I would say you are the proverbial Wolf in sheep's clothing. Or the leftist in Christian clothing rather... You come from the south where EVERYONE is a Christian! Let God be True and everyone else a LIAR! Soli Deo Gloria
about 8 years agoThank you so much for this article. I wondered, at first, what you had in mind by disclosing such personal information, but then reading further, I felt I understood. I find myself wanting to apologize to you for the comments others have made, disparaging, hateful comments of those claiming to be closer to God, yet who are too ignorant to understand the state level of abortion having nothing to do with a presidential candidate. Quite honestly I would have hoped that if the issue truly meant something to them they would have taken time to learn the legalities of this conflicted, controversial, and personal subject matter! instead of expressing hatred to anything they do not or will not agree with . Many many kudos to you for trying to educate and not responding in kind to the vilifying remarks. This is the first time I remember reading any of your work. Much love and respect to you, although I cannot agree with your decision, i do certainly understand and have many many things i must be forgiven for, myself. We all do, and will all be judged. so many forget this!
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoThank you for your empathy. I appreciate your gracious words and that, while not agreeing with my decision, you don't feel compelled to condemn me for it. Grace.
Tony Mafera
about 8 years agoI do whole-heartedly personally admit the hardest thing in life is living with our own sinful selves (and I, like Paul, are the worst of sinners). But it is not our place to give grace or condemn others in situations like these, but to speak truth into it--Unfortunately the unborn baby has no way to give mommy grace and forgiveness for the murder. These are facts of life ( and I literally cry in prayer over these every day cause they affect me too you know!) that we are all sinners in need of Gods grace, And I am not doing enough to stop these murders from ever happening to innocent children ever again in the USA. No kind words (short of Christ's words "forgive them Father for they know not what they do") can be consoling to anyone. It is not I who condemns you, it is yourself. because I am not God, and "who in eternity am I really" to you or anybody else? Forgiving yourself is important, but I can't do that for you either... In reality this is a blog about Clinton and My words were not intended to be against you (you did what you did, and you made it a point to put it in your blog, its not for me to give grace, and peace ) but my words are against the stiff necked democrats and their unrelenting murderous platform agendas. Kind words are nice but a friend who is closer than a brother gives a truthful rebuke, especially given the great cloud of witnesses watching--or maybe others are not reading their bibles and forgetting these passages in Proverbs and Hebrews. The truth is No Christian can tolerate the democratic parties murderous platform! period! whether you don't like me for the way I write or prefer I use "flowery words" I am not trying to be better than anyone for it is not I who forgives but it is God through Christ who forgives. As this is a blog, lets not conflate acceptance of Hillary with forgiveness of her intolerant abortion position by writing gracious words to your situation and to you-- Thank God that I am not God, If I were anybody else on this blog I would myself sure be happy that its not me who forgives cause I doubt I would in this case, especially when I think of what the baby went through that hellish day, perhaps your abortion would not have happened if abortion was ILLEGAL in the USA? I'm glad it was illegal when I was born! Cause I am alive to write this opinion!--So thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus Christ for his Gift of life (eternal life)--AND THATS WHAT REALLY MATTERS! Not our "feelings"! I do hope for you that in eternity the Lord allows you to raise your murdered baby with the loving care you seem to now desire. Honestly I pray God will allow this for you because you can then shower all your love all over that unborn baby child!!! Again what "I" say is of no relevance, the only axe I have to grind is against the political parties who promote the murdering of babies. Even if they (Hillary) never killed a baby themselves--Remember our Lord said if you think it (i.e. referring to adultery) then you have committed it and you have sinned. If the Hillary or the Democrats "think it" and worse promote it--abortion on demand. Then to me they are worse than you because they have not sought Grace and the forgiveness of Christ-imo. As this is in reality a political blog and not a forgiveness or graciousness blog, my opinion (as other comments were I was ungracious or used harsh words) and your opinion resulting in justification of Hillary Clinton in the eyes of the on-lookers are both wrong--that's as the blog-o-sphere interprets the blog data. Maybe I come across as harsh or uncaring... But What I say means nothing! Its Gods Grace and no-one else's grace (meaning anybody's graceful words or opinions; mine too) that eternally makes any difference. But a political platform of murdering babies I cannot accept and will fight you always because you even tried to justify Hillary given her position on murdering babies. If a murderer today were to try to kill your living children in front of you (or other friends children around you) would you not, with all your might and harsh words, try to stop them? That's how I see abortion. And that's how Hillary should see it too-imo I could care less if I sound uncaring when it comes to Hilary and the Dems politics. But in consolation and peace, as a person apart from your blogging politics and considerate of that innocent life taken many years ago: The best kind word I can give you and the on-lookers is to remind us all (me included) : "And then He shall wipe every tear from their (our) eyes!" Soli Deo Gloria
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoAre we friends? Because you implied that you were speaking to me a friend and yet I don't recognize your name. And in regards to legislation that would seek to prevent the "sinning" of others, such as an abortion, why don't you leave people's sinful natures up to them and God? OR do you plan to legislate all sins away? Because if you do, you might want to start with Donald Trump. His list is pretty damn long.
Tony Mafera
about 8 years agoNever said Trump was a saint, as to being friends, your claim to be a Christian I thought afforded us friendship as I claim to be a Christian too. The Greek word for friend is philos, primarily an adjective denoting loved, dear, or friendly that became used as a noun: If the friendship you speak of follows a biblical standard then start with 1-Jn 5:3 (as Christians we love and obey God), Jn 15:12 this is my command that you love one another, Refer to the number of times Jesus calls a stranger his friend. (Matt 11:13, 20:13, 22:12-in this case the person he called friend was kicked out of the party, Matt 26:50-Judas was called friend too. I could go on and on--todays search tech tools allows you to search it too... More pointedly to your question is that a complimentary friendship does not seem to be the case here. As my opinion now seems to be that the type of Christianity represented here in your blog is a front for a system of human politics rather than following Gods way. (At first I thought you were related to Ravi, and that lead me to search your blogosphere, then I felt betrayed as a Christian after I read it) To me its not biblical Christianity. And as to which god this blog follows I am not too sure, but it seems more humanistic and effectively "god is me" my beliefs cause my feelings are true and these feelings afford me to make my moral choice to choose to sin against another human and its okay to do it, others must be tolerant of my way. I think it capricious (referring as you say to our sinful NATURES) to allow such autonomy-- really? allow other humans to choose if its okay to murder me (sin against me)? Better carry my gun to protect myself if that's the nature (sinful nature) of humanity you purport. Anyway however hard it seems after reading your blogs, I'd like to be a friend, One thing for sure for which I am grateful is that the sin of murder is still not left up to "themselves" as you say, and that it is still illegal to murder (a sinful natural desire) according to our laws. IF we don't want to legislate preventing the sin of others then maybe we should allow stealing and murdering to the choice of the individual without legal repercussion. YES, I would still diligently ask that we legislate murder and stealing (sins) away from humanity's selfish nature and choice. Yet My fear here is the Christianity I read about here is a "front" for human politics. Just like Hitler used Christianity to justify murdering Jews. I would not call him a Christian, but I don't know if Jesus forgave him, I struggle with Jesus allowing him even the idea of it--yet for his murderous souls sake as he was a sinning murderer maybe I do hope that he found Jesus for his immortal soul. We must all beware of being the judge! We are not God. If you are still dealing with the sin, then remember God is close to the broken hearted. We must throw ourselves on his mercy or there is NO peace. As to the friendship I leave to you. As I have many friends I disagree with, Jesus did too..
Karen Spears Zacharias
about 8 years agoTony: Yeah. Friendship entails a whole lot more than just identifying one's self a a Christian. Some of the worse people I've met in my life consider themselves Christians. They like to go around all judging others, while unable to address their own neon bright sins. Sometimes they dismiss the faith of others by pointing fingers and suggesting that their own self-righteous ways are better, purer, more holy than others. Or they might even label another's faith as not really faith, nothing more than humanism cloaked in Jesus robes. They do this of course without knowing the other person at all. Not knowing them in any real way, not ever having sat down for coffee or a beer with that other person. Just judging because somehow they think their particular brand of Christianity is far superior to everyone else's. I can't stand people like that. I certainly never want to claim those kind of people as friends.
Tony Mafera
about 8 years agoAgree, I am no perfect Christian, Yet Jesus said LOVE your enemies. Let me know what beer (or coffee) you like. Some of the best brew was made by monks in a town call Munchin (which means monk) and today is called Munich. I drink wine or coffee too, I'll buy ;-). Glad you are not disregarding my comments. And to God be the Glory. As you see in my posts I forcefully say that I am no judge of people, however if you are a biblical Christian (and that's the set of "imperfect" people I refer to) , we shall know them by their fruits. Again "I get it" this is a political blog, And definitions of friendship vary as people vary. But if beer is the way to friendship--believe me I'm for it too! That great American sinner Ben Franklin said (and I paraphrase) Wine (Beer) is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy!