CNN Commentary

I have an essay over at the CNN site. To read it Click Here.


Ross Fishwick

about 7 years ago

I am trying to understand how our President can point a finger at his staff using private jets for travel. While I think they should use public inexpensive transport at all times it begs the question about the Presidents use of the most expensive private jet in the USA, airforce1. Trips that are political in nature that are made by him or the Vice President (or any staff) such as the recent political trip's to Alabama should be paid for by the Republican party and not the US tax payers. Likewise his weekend trips to go to his various golf courses should NOT be at the expense of the US taxpayer.


Karen Spears Zacharias

about 7 years ago

Yeah, well if you can figure anything out about this asshat of a president, please let me know.


Louis Gerrick

about 6 years ago

Include the out of control spending from Scott Pruitt. Just the two accounts alone can fund many other important issues. They do it because they can.. No oversite from Congress simply because they are equally as bad. One alternative is to vote out all the corrupt and self serving politicians. That is the only can’t be much worse...Trump supporters—get your heads out of the clouds,and Think.


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