Month: June 2017

  • What are we to do about President Trump’s Hate Tweets?

    What are we to do about President Trump’s Hate Tweets?

    Our president talks trash Every. Single. Damn. Day. Never in my lifetime has a man so diminished the office of president in such a short time. Give him a chance, my conservative friends cry. How many chances does this man need to act like a[..]
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  • If It’s Peace You Seek

    If It’s Peace You Seek

    There are few moments of peace, too few moments of grace for any of us these days. Each day, we rise to more devastation, more reasons to despair, more reasons to cry out: Come Quickly, Lord Jesus. That's the problem with knowledge, isn't it? Once[..]
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  • Beloved, Deep and Wide

    Beloved, Deep and Wide

    My friend Lillian Champion died today. It's difficult to be sad, given Lillian's joyous reunion with her adoring husband Hubert, who died in 2007, and her daughter, Marjorie, who was killed during the 9-11 attack at the Pentagon. So it isn't so much sadness I[..]
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  • My First Friend

    My First Friend

      Brothers never get the credit they deserve. Or maybe it's just my brother never gets the credit he deserves. I have spent a good deal of writing time making up for being the object of my brother's knuckle punches. (Yes, he really would knuckle-punch[..]
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  • Not All Sin is Equal

    Not All Sin is Equal

    I spoke with a woman recently who said she was struggling to find a faith. Nodding toward her husband, who was tending to their toddler, she said, "He's a Christian, but I'm having a difficult time with it." Her ability to carve out a faith,[..]
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  • Poetry on the Plane

    Poetry on the Plane

    I spotted them as I passed through the security clearance line at National Tuesday morning. Gaggles of teens swarmed the airport, all wearing the same t-shirts, the better for their chaperones to keep track of them. But this family stood out even against that crowded[..]
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